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Final_Product said:
Fair and open education about sex from an early age would prevent the need for a drastic solution.
according to an article that was in reader's digest, the reason that the american teen-age pregnancy rate went down was because of pre-pubescent girls are now giving blowjobs as an alternative to penis-in-vagina sex. According to the article, all the american media-hype about teen-pregnancy had a back-lash effect of scaring females where young girls that really don't have sex drives yet are giving blowjobs as the result of an intense fear of getting pregnant
Well they should be warned that if they swallow they will get pregnant even faster as it goes straight to the stomach - or worse still - starts growing in their cheek.:hypno:
according to an article that was in reader's digest, the reason that the american teen-age pregnancy rate went down was because of pre-pubescent girls are now giving blowjobs as an alternative to penis-in-vagina sex. According to the article, all the american media-hype about teen-pregnancy had a back-lash effect of scaring females where young girls that really don't have sex drives yet are giving blowjobs as the result of an intense fear of getting pregnant
is this^^^ a problem any where else or just USA???
is this^^^ a problem any where else or just USA???

Not that in particular. The UK and the US have the highest teenage pregnancy rate anywhere outside the third world, I believe. I'm beginning to think sterilisation of possible idiots come age 10 would be a good idea.
Final_Product said:
Not that in particular. The UK and the US have the highest teenage pregnancy rate anywhere outside the third world, I believe. I'm beginning to think sterilisation of possible idiots come age 10 would be a good idea.
the sterilization of idiots is prolly one of those "it looks good on paper..." kind of things
is this^^^ a problem any where else or just USA???

I can't imagine it being quite the same over here, although I must admit I don't really know that many young girls, and haven't really heard anything about it. But from the sound of things I don't think we have had the kind of push to reduce teenage pregnancy that it appears you have over there, so I guess we haven't had young girls sucking dick more for that reason, although I suspect they do it a hell of a lot more and at a younger age than when I was in their shoes... but then that is what everyone says as they get older.
Final_Product said:
Not that in particular. The UK and the US have the highest teenage pregnancy rate anywhere outside the third world, I believe. I'm beginning to think sterilisation of possible idiots come age 10 would be a good idea.

There are a lot of healthy people who are stupid and I don't think they should be sterilised. Defects like inheritable holes in the heart, etc are of much more concern and nobody wants a baby with that. Physical disabilities that are serious sound like reasonable grounds for sterilisation, but not mental probems, or damage as a result of accident. Even a complete psycho may have a place if needed as a soldier, a great warrior like Achilles may have been like that.
Norsemaiden said:
There are a lot of healthy people who are stupid and I don't think they should be sterilised. Defects like inheritable holes in the heart, etc are of much more concern and nobody wants a baby with that. Physical disabilities that are serious sound like reasonable grounds for sterilisation, but not mental probems, or damage as a result of accident. Even a complete psycho may have a place if needed as a soldier, a great warrior like Achilles may have been like that.

I was just making a flippant comment. I don't really advocate sterilisation, but I am just beginning to wonder how we can curb the tide of teenage pregnancy.
Final_Product said:
I was just making a flippant comment. I don't really advocate sterilisation, but I am just beginning to wonder how we can curb the tide of teenage pregnancy.
i think it really boils down to education, the school systems need to explain "the act that produces children" in the first grade instead of having kids "learn it of the street"
i think it really boils down to education, the school systems need to explain "the act that produces children" in the first grade instead of having kids "learn it of the street"

Well, yes. I think adults have difficulty with the idea of teaching children so young. Though, if you accept that they are learning it in a much more crude fashion at a very young age anyway, then you have to accept that this would probably be the better option.

Alternatively, how important do you think it is that parents play a role in educating their children in this regard?
Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
Well, yes. I think adults have difficulty with the idea of teaching children so young. Though, if you accept that they are learning it in a much more crude fashion at a very young age anyway, then you have to accept that this would probably be the better option.

Alternatively, how important do you think it is that parents play a role in educating their children in this regard?
parents teaching their kids about sex in first grade is a really really great idea for other countries, but it really won't work here in America because this country is "christian-ized" to the point that it's just not going to happen, there's obviously the christ zealots but even those people that don't refer to themselves as christian are psychologically affected by the tennents of christianity to the point that the concept of teaching your own offspring about sex is considered "dirty" instead of people realizing that it's a neccassary part of psychological development
parents teaching their kids about sex in first grade is a really really great idea for other countries, but it really won't work here in America because this country is "christian-ized" to the point that it's just not going to happen, there's obviously the christ zealots but even those people that don't refer to themselves as christian are psychologically affected by the tennents of christianity to the point that the concept of teaching your own offspring about sex is considered "dirty" instead of people realizing that it's a neccassary part of psychological development

Yes it's the ones who think sex is dirty or sinful that are more likely to get preganant or sexually transmitted disease in their childhood than the nonreligious people who see sex as being natural and are open about explaining things.
Studies have shown that it is the bible belt area of the US where most of the "sins" that Christianity moralises about actually happen most. Which goes to show that the religion does nothing to make people behave according to its commandments.
Well, I often comment that my parents (both agnostic) are a lot more "christian" in their values than most true christians... yet they openly discussed and debated many issues including the reason for their religious stand point with me from a very young age. I would not say I am at all morally perfect, but at least I have been able to make educated choices about my moral path.
i think it really boils down to education, the school systems need to explain "the act that produces children" in the first grade instead of having kids "learn it of the street"

There was a program on Radio 1 here in the UK about sex and young kids. It was illustrating that how people are educated does make a huge difference about how mature they concerning sex. They used Sweden as an example of how sex education from an early age is incredibly beneficial to the children and society as a whole. I also think that the consent age is below that of the UK (which is 16) yet the teenage pregnancy levels are quite low. The same program also spoke of mobile health clinics in London which frequently visit run down areas which have high crime rates and high teenage pregnancy rates. It showed that after a while younger people were visiting the clinics to get advice on STIs and contraception, and were generally visiting as there were adults around that they could talk to about such things. After a year or so of the clinic visiting a particular area they found that teenage pregnancy rates were down, as were the numbers of people visiting for help with sexually transmitted infections and diseases.
This illustrates just how important sex education is.

I also think if the stigma attached to having sex at a young age, whether this is above or below the legal age, was removed, pregnancy rates and the number of STIs would seriously diminish. Even just parents not approving of their children having sex encourages it to be done in 'secret' so there is less chance of safe sex being carried out, in my opinion. Whether someones parents agree with it or not, its likely to happen before marriage anyway, so if parents were more open about it their children would be more likely to use contraception. Girls especially would be more likely to use contraception such as the pill if their parents had less strict views on sex.
That sounds sensible, except it would have to be monitored to see if it meant there was too much underage sex even though it didn't result in pregnancy. How about the idea of showing the kids really gross photos of what sexually transmitted diseases look like? If they don't do that, then I suspect there may be a lack of real determination to educate kids.
Norsemaiden said:
That sounds sensible, except it would have to be monitored to see if it meant there was too much underage sex even though it didn't result in pregnancy. How about the idea of showing the kids really gross photos of what sexually transmitted diseases look like? If they don't do that, then I suspect there may be a lack of real determination to educate kids.

they do that in the school i go to, and they show them in many magazines and so on, and i dont really think it makes any difference.

also, people are going to have sex with complete disregard to the legal age no matter how well educated or not they were. many of my friends parents are cool with their children having sex if they have been with a partner a long time, as they believe that if they are cool with it, their children will be having sex in a safe environment, like their own home.
I know of people from my school who willingly have sex at the age of 12. for example, one girl is proud that she lost her virginity at the age of 12 under a bush (so outside, for the world to see). thats just crazy and wrong as far as i'm concerned. another girl of the same age gave a 15 year old boy and his friends of a similar age, a blow job each in exchange for a cigarette. now, in school one cigarette is worth about 50p, so thats basically what she just degraded herself to. i think thats disgusting, and i believe that the reason for a lot of this kind of thing is tv. on virtually every tv program theres sex involved, and kids of any age see it, and what to do it because they feel grown up enough to do it, and they feel that they will be acting more grown up if they do. and there is something wrong about that; society in general is to blame for this kind of thinking.
I don't think showing gory images ever works very well as a deterant to many problems because it raises peoples internal defences, they get guarded about the images, and typically their ego kicks in "that doesn't bother me" type of attitude. I think being educated about all the implications and complications of one's actions face to face is always more beneficial. It doesn't guarantee that that person is going to choose to follow that advice but at least they are fully knowledgeable in the consequences and implications and if they still choose to make that deicision then they must accept the end result.

Neith said:
...people are going to have sex with complete disregard to the legal age no matter how well educated or not they were...

Of course there are some people who aren't going to listen or care, but isn't it better if kids know exactly what they are getting into and are able to be more likely to make that choice themselves.

...many of my friends parents are cool with their children having sex if they have been with a partner a long time, as they believe that if they are cool with it, their children will be having sex in a safe environment, like their own home.

Geez, I don't know how any parent could be cool with knowing their young child is having sex in their own home. Grateful they aren't dead on the street yes, but if parents are open enough to let their children have sexual relationships at a young age in their own home then surely they are open enough to have been able to educate their children against sex at a young age altogether?

On another note, if we could educate children thoroughly from a very young age about sexual activity, would that really solve the pedophilia problem? (My feeble attempt at segue of this discussion back to topic :p ).
no, i dont think images of STIs work either. and i wasnt saying that children shouldnt be educated, i personally think they should be, but no matter how well educated its going to happen anyway.

and i guess most parents would be cool with that, and its generally the father thats more against it, but in this particular situation the mother simply pointed out that its going to happen anyway, so they let it happen in there house from the age of 14/15. i think its pretty weird at such a young age but there you go.

and no, i dont think it would solve the problem as it is an abuse of the child, whether they are aware of what exactly is happening to them or not
Yeah pretty much in agreement there. I guess that last question was pretty stupid. Obviously it's not going to stop pedophilia... and frankly I am not familiar enough with the mind of the pedophile to even begin to know what would.
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