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this is considered by some to be one of the greatest examples of possible proof of "genitic memory"
even if the genetic memory theory is bogus it is still obviously the result of "tradition"

please elaborate.
Final_Product said:
please elaborate.
it has to do with the whole patriarchal structure of society where a female is (was) considered nothing more than a male's property first her father, then her husband. A grown male with a male child was considered evil simply because male-to-male homosexuality was considered so much more so evil than lesbianism. a grown male having sex with an unmaried female was evil simply because a female was supposed to be a virgin on her wedding day. but an older woman with a younger man wasn't a problem because women were considered a man's property except for prostitutes in those societies where a man was supposed to be sexually experienced (with prostitutes) and then "teach" his virgin bride how to "please" him on their honeymoon
I don't know of any societies where men were supposed to go to prostitutes. It has always been a minority who would do that. In some societies there were never any prostitutes and no call for them, and in other societies there would be a lot more prostitutes. Is it unacceptably racist (Final Product) to simply point out that Thai men think nothing of going to prostitutes in their lunch breaks, but that there are far fewer prostitutes per head of population somewhere like Norway?
(If that is racist then you presumably feel that prostitution is very wrong in some way and also that everyone goes to them the same regardless of what country they're from and to suggest otherwise is evil.)
Please stop dragging me into this. I have never said anything to indicate I am racist and have no real conviction to even believe we are all that different.

I disagree with the tone of some of your posts, but Speed and myself have spoken with you over this. I do not censor, nor delete your posts as of yet because I see no reason to. Speed and I, however, did come an agreement to edit a post so that your argument was intact but the racial attitude was removed.
Norsemaiden said:
I don't know of any societies where men were supposed to go to prostitutes.
i'm refering those places where every male in a city (metropolis, maybe?) would be "taught" how to have sex by one (maybe a brothel?) prostitute (as opposed to concubines) where the phrase "son of a bitch" meant "son of a prostitute"
umm ... i haven't read the first 5 pages of this because ... i haven't but i guess i want to contribute something to this - in referrence to LRD's whole thing about giving a child sexual pleasure or whatever... the age of consent is a good thing. it's also good that it's around 16 or older in most places (I'd assume?) ... like how in this country the legal age for people to start smoking cigarettes is 18 (though i don't understand why there's an age for cigarette's at all - what do they do that's so dangerous? they're not mind-altering, decision-impairing,growth-stunting or anything like that), drinking is 21, driving is 16ish ... i think it's that whole thing about how the brain matures. there's this part of the brain that controls decison-making and it isn't "matured" until people reach the age of 18 ... and i guess that's the reason why doing sexual things with someone so far below that age is wrong. they cannot consent and they don't know what's happening to them. no matter what's happening or how it may make them feel, it's against their will.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
umm ... i haven't read the first 5 pages of this because ... i haven't but i guess i want to contribute something to this - in referrence to LRD's whole thing about giving a child sexual pleasure or whatever... the age of consent is a good thing. it's also good that it's around 16 or older in most places (I'd assume?) ... like how in this country the legal age for people to start smoking cigarettes is 18 (though i don't understand why there's an age for cigarette's at all - what do they do that's so dangerous? they're not mind-altering, decision-impairing,growth-stunting or anything like that), drinking is 21, driving is 16ish ... i think it's that whole thing about how the brain matures. there's this part of the brain that controls decison-making and it isn't "matured" until people reach the age of 18 ... and i guess that's the reason why doing sexual things with someone so far below that age is wrong. they cannot consent and they don't know what's happening to them. no matter what's happening or how it may make them feel, it's against their will.
wow that sort of sounds of insightful for somebody that's only 17 but it also sounds like someone that's been brain-washed by society to the point of not being able to seperate propoganda from reality this whole "brain not maturing" thing is totally bullshit propoganda as a knee-jerk anti-pedophile response to the Mary Kay Laterneau case 12 years ago, different people's brains develop at vastly different speeds
I really think that in any case should be base on the circumstances of the situation rather then absolute law. Although absolute law is somewhat consistant, it tends to miss the circumstances of the situation and the best action in dealing with the problem. Some people are a harm to society and they should be separated(or killed) from society. Others I believe are not a harm to society and can be rehibillatated or in some cases like that teacher and the student, that there should be no punishment other then maybe getting fired and banned from teaching.
wow that sort of sounds of insightful for somebody that's only 17 but it also sounds like someone that's been brain-washed by society to the point of not being able to seperate propoganda from reality this whole "brain not maturing" thing is totally bullshit propoganda as a knee-jerk anti-pedophile response to the Mary Kay Laterneau case 12 years ago, different people's brains develop at vastly different speeds
Yeah, I really am tired of hearing my parents say I'm not mature enough to be considered an adult. Apparently even when I turn 18, which I guess is supposed to be some magic number that makes you grow up, they won't even consider me an adult. As far as I'm concerned I've been an "adult" since I was about 15 or 16. I think it's all just a control thing that they try to use to keep kids in line or something. I believe that I'm mature enough to make my own decisions and do pretty much what I want, but of course I have to follow my parents' rules while I'm under their roof. I figured when I turned 18 they'd let me do what I want but I was wrong. They said as long as I live with them I have to listen to them. I think this is bullshit. I plan on moving out when I turn 18 (June 1st of this year), because I feel like I'm missing out on things while being held down by them. They are control freaks, and I do not approve of that. I feel like I deserve some freedom finally.
Intoxicator said:
Yeah, I really am tired of hearing my parents say I'm not mature enough to be considered an adult. Apparently even when I turn 18, which I guess is supposed to be some magic number that makes you grow up, they won't even consider me an adult. As far as I'm concerned I've been an "adult" since I was about 15 or 16. I think it's all just a control thing that they try to use to keep kids in line or something. I believe that I'm mature enough to make my own decisions and do pretty much what I want, but of course I have to follow my parents' rules while I'm under their roof. I figured when I turned 18 they'd let me do what I want but I was wrong. They said as long as I live with them I have to listen to them. I think this is bullshit. I plan on moving out when I turn 18 (June 1st of this year), because I feel like I'm missing out on things while being held down by them. They are control freaks, and I do not approve of that. I feel like I deserve some freedom finally.
SERIOUSLY i really know how you feel cuz i'm actually going through the exact same thing except i'm already 22 and still living with my mom (never met my dad cuz he was married to someone else when he was fucking my mom) because my mom's other 2 kids won't talk to her anymore (they're living in Oregon while me and my mom live in Texas) and she prolly couldn't live by herself because of her depresion/panic attacks/walking problems etc etc etc and even though i'm already 22 and it's really obvious that she really needs me so much more than i need her, she's still unable to really look at me as an adult and she's putting me through the exact same shit you're going through
I have two points to raise here. One relates to sexual maturity. I would agree that some children hit pubity very early, physically. However the presence of pubic hair does not mean that a child is mentally or emotionally ready to cope with sexual interaction, and while physical maturation is easy to measure, psychological maturity is much more complex. It reminds me of a re-occurant debate in the world of horse breeding where people use two year old male stud horses in their breeding program and justify that the horse is sexually mature because he has full testicles and can impregnate a mare. The young horses typically have no ability to court a female animal who has to be sedated and tied down to let the clumsy youngster mount her, and the young male usually ends up with aggression issues and psychological instability later in life.

I'm not saying that humans are the same, but I think people should recognise that there is a difference between apparent maturity and actual maturity. Especially seeing as humans live in a much more complex social world, it would be interesting to follow the lives of young teenagers who are sexually active at a young age to see how they fair later in life.

My other point is that everyone thinks they are mature and responsible at 16, and parents always disagree. I am now 22 and I look back at my teenage years and think what a fool I was. My parents guided me against doing certain things, and at the time I was very angry with them... but when I look back now I realise how wrong my opinions were and that I didn't miss anything, except teenage pregnancy, which happened to all but about 10 girls in my year group at high school. I still feel that I have a lot of maturing left to do, and you don't ever stop, but I think it's easier for someone of 18 and over to step back from a situation and think about the best decision to make than it is in the younger teenage years, regardless of who you are. The process of maturing mentally is a gradual one though, and at some point teenagers are going to need to step out on their own regardless of what is best, and definitely by the age of 18 or 22 you need to live your own life.
I agree with ^^^ pretty much, although I have yet to move out and so on and so forth. But everyone is subject to different things in life and I really feel that this affects how much a person has matured by a certain age, etc. It isn't really possible to say x person will mature by this age, mentally, emotionally and physically because this is the age at which everyone else has matured. That just doesn't make sense to me at all.

I also think that the age of legal consent here (16) is a good age because although I don't think it will stop very many people actually having sex before 16, it means that they are not under pressure to do it at 13 to be 'cool' because the law says that's when people should be 'doing it'. It also acts as a rough guide as to what sort of age you should be before you have sex, if you are a mature person at the age of 15 and in a steady relationship and feel that the time is right then okay, why not? 16 isn't so far off and if you're mature enough to talk about it with each other and to purchase contraception and so on then I don't see the problem. Having said that, it doesn't really mean that you're responsible enough to deal with the potential consequences because not all contraceptives are 100% effective.
Neith said:
I agree with ^^^ pretty much, although I have yet to move out and so on and so forth. But everyone is subject to different things in life and I really feel that this affects how much a person has matured by a certain age, etc. It isn't really possible to say x person will mature by this age, mentally, emotionally and physically because this is the age at which everyone else has matured. That just doesn't make sense to me at all.

I also think that the age of legal consent here (16) is a good age because although I don't think it will stop very many people actually having sex before 16, it means that they are not under pressure to do it at 13 to be 'cool' because the law says that's when people should be 'doing it'. It also acts as a rough guide as to what sort of age you should be before you have sex, if you are a mature person at the age of 15 and in a steady relationship and feel that the time is right then okay, why not? 16 isn't so far off and if you're mature enough to talk about it with each other and to purchase contraception and so on then I don't see the problem. Having said that, it doesn't really mean that you're responsible enough to deal with the potential consequences because not all contraceptives are 100% effective.

Yes it is a big problem when teenagers feel under pressure to have sex from others who brag about it, and the person bragging may often be lying.
It is so ironic that kids think having sex is grown up, when in fact just having sex to show off to others is absolutely immature. Just because of this stupid habit of some teenagers you do have to have a 16 minimum age limit I suppose.
Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
I have two points to raise here. One relates to sexual maturity. I would agree that some children hit pubity very early, physically. However the presence of pubic hair does not mean that a child is mentally or emotionally ready to cope with sexual interaction, and while physical maturation is easy to measure, psychological maturity is much more complex. It reminds me of a re-occurant debate in the world of horse breeding where people use two year old male stud horses in their breeding program and justify that the horse is sexually mature because he has full testicles and can impregnate a mare. The young horses typically have no ability to court a female animal who has to be sedated and tied down to let the clumsy youngster mount her, and the young male usually ends up with aggression issues and psychological instability later in life.

I'm not saying that humans are the same, but I think people should recognise that there is a difference between apparent maturity and actual maturity. Especially seeing as humans live in a much more complex social world, it would be interesting to follow the lives of young teenagers who are sexually active at a young age to see how they fair later in life.

My other point is that everyone thinks they are mature and responsible at 16, and parents always disagree. I am now 22 and I look back at my teenage years and think what a fool I was. My parents guided me against doing certain things, and at the time I was very angry with them... but when I look back now I realise how wrong my opinions were and that I didn't miss anything, except teenage pregnancy, which happened to all but about 10 girls in my year group at high school. I still feel that I have a lot of maturing left to do, and you don't ever stop, but I think it's easier for someone of 18 and over to step back from a situation and think about the best decision to make than it is in the younger teenage years, regardless of who you are. The process of maturing mentally is a gradual one though, and at some point teenagers are going to need to step out on their own regardless of what is best, and definitely by the age of 18 or 22 you need to live your own life.
in response to the 1st 2 paragraphs
what happens if psychological sexual maturity happens BEFORE physical sexual maturity (which is something that child psychologists have actually documented)
in response to the last paragraph i am also 22 and totally disagree with it except for the last part of the last sentance
Neith said:
But everyone is subject to different things in life and this affects how much a person has matured by a certain age, etc. It isn't possible to say x person will mature by this age, mentally, emotionally and physically because this is the age at which everyone else has matured. That just doesn't make sense to me at all.

not all contraceptives are 100% effective.
this^^^ is why moral relativism should be applied to sexual encounters instead of absolute law and why both genders reaching orgasm through heterosexual blowjobs and pussy eating should be taught in the school system's sex ed classes... if you're not psychologicaly/financially cappable of being an adequete parent, then you shouldn't be doing the act that produces children... but then not being ready to be a parent doesn't mean you should be denied the privilege of reaching orgasm
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