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Akirahito said:
My son is 6, and I refuse to believe that for one second he has a sex drive, or will in 2 mere years either. Also, I DO NOT believe that he would be THANKFUL if someone showed him the great wide world of sexual experience right now. That's what's pissing me off about that original reply. Kids might have some kind of sexual inklings, but it's not an area for adults to tread on. It's like saying games that little kids play are games adults like to pay. So screw you.
when you say "games little kids play" are you talking about "playing doctor" where one kid has a toy stethoscope and puts a fake plastic thermomoter up a girl's pussy or a boy's ass? or are you talking about the game "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" where a pair of 4-year-olds are looking at each other's genitals because one's a boy and the other's a girl and each of them wants to see what the other gender's genitals looks like? or how the little girls will dress the little boys up in drag on the kindergarden playground? these are games that are a totally normal and healthy part of just being a little kid
Kenneth R. said:
tr ofdallas i think you've got some problems, honestly. and I'll just ignore your replies from now on as they make absolutely NO sense at all. the use of profanity as well indicates that you are very emotional about this issue and your replies are less than philosophical.

further, you are now dismissing the topic and discussing methods of sex. the topic at hand is sex with children, which i find criminal in that as i have already stated, the child's mind is not developed enough to comprehend fully what the implications are. if you disagree with this, try to teach an average 8 year old Calculus, or Accounting, or European history. they may understand the basic concept (just as they may understand sex feels good and how to do it) but they in no way can grasp the full picture.

to support such actions is to support the raping of these youngsters, not only physically, but MENTALLY.

Completely agreed with everything in this post. Everything.

EDIT: and, judging by this post above me, I am putting forward my opinion that dallas needs to clean up the language and content of his posts and start contributing in more of a philosophical, intellectual manner.
Scott W said:
That was kind of hard for me to read, you need a bit more punctuation there friend. However, from what I got, Im pretty sure I agree with you. You're saying that if a teenager of age 15, 16, etc is having sex and enjoying it, it shouldnt be considered molestation? I agree to a point. It depends alot on the situation and what happened.
every situation should be judged on an individual basis instead of having "absolute law" when it comes to sexual situations
and me and Lord Red Dragon are totally accustomed to typing in some old places where nobody uses any puntuation
tr_ofdallas said:
every situation should be judged on an individual basis instead of having "absolute law" when it comes to sexual situations
and me and Lord Red Dragon are totally accustomed to typing in some old places where nobody uses any puntuation
Bah, you saw it before I deleted it. Are you talking about 8 year olds? or 16 year olds? Because I would say there is a big difference. Whether that is biological or societal, its still different.
Final_Product said:
I agree.

In Ancient Cultures, the taking of a young boy as a sexual companion by an older, experienced man was quite the norm. However, this was entirely commonplace, so there was no trauma involved, per se. Today, such an act is socially forbidden, and thus doing so can traumatise the child/family to such a large extent it is quite unfathomable. In turn this drives paedophiles to become predatory in their search for a sexual companion - and THAT area is what sickens me the most.

My studies of ancient cultures has led me to believe the intrinsic act of sex with a child is not evil without some social context, and given our current social context, paedophilia is outright abhorrent.
Im hoping that by quoting this, we can get back on topic a bit. Thats really interesting, I studied very little of history for my degree. So, my next question to you is, what should we do about it? Or is there anything we can do about it? I assume you would say that there will always be pedophiles in our societies, so we probably cant prevent it. How then do we cope with it in a society that will never be accepting of it as ancient cultures were.
Scott W said:
Bah, you saw it before I deleted it. Are you talking about 8 year olds? or 16 year olds? Because I would say there is a big difference. Whether that is biological or societal, its still different.
well, see here's where you're not really getting me the way that I think Lord Red Dragon would, what I really mean is that trying to determine the age that a child is ready to have sex is something that should be determined on a completely individual level without trying to compare the child's psychological or physical development with anyone else's development in any way whatsoever
Scott W said:
Im hoping that by quoting this, we can get back on topic a bit. Thats really interesting, I studied very little of history for my degree. So, my next question to you is, what should we do about it? Or is there anything we can do about it? I assume you would say that there will always be pedophiles in our societies, so we probably cant prevent it. How then do we cope with it in a society that will never be accepting of it as ancient cultures were.
the only solution that i can see is to lower the age of legal sexual consent. Right now it's different ages in different places with the youngest being 14. My idea would be to just make that universal. Any person anywhere can have sex at 14.
tr_ofdallas said:
when you say "games little kids play" are you talking about "playing doctor" where one kid has a toy stethoscope and puts a fake plastic thermomoter up a girl's pussy or a boy's ass? or are you talking about the game "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" where a pair of 4-year-olds are looking at each other's genitals because one's a boy and the other's a girl and each of them wants to see what the other gender's genitals looks like? or how the little girls will dress the little boys up in drag on the kindergarden playground? these are games that are a totally normal and healthy part of just being a little kid
this is in NO WAY "normal" and if that ever happened to me i would have been traumatized. are you suggesting everyone do this and that you have? what kind of society is this?!

normal is asking "why is the sky blue?" not "what happens if i put my fingers here"

I would fight you with a vengeance to keep the age of consent where it is, considering the social climate we now live in. this is not the 1600s.
Kenneth R. said:
this is in NO WAY "normal" and if that ever happened to me i would have been traumatized. are you suggesting everyone do this and that you have? what kind of society is this?!

normal is asking "why is the sky blue?" not "what happens if i put my fingers here"

I would fight you with a vengeance to keep the age of consent where it is, considering the social climate we now live in. this is not the 1600s.
I'm just describing what everyone I've ever met went through. What, you thought I just made that stuff up on the spot? I don't really think it traumatized anybody so much as it taught them. I grew up in America, where the hell did you grow up? little kids always get curious about what the other gender's genitals look like long before the sex drive kicks in, you know like when little kids try to walk in on somebody of the opposite gender in the shower. In the 1600s every woman got married at 14. The "social climate" that you bitched about wouldn't have been able to become what it is if the people had been able to have sex at 14 when this Christianized country of sexualy stunted people first started being able to have pre-marital sex at the begining of the 60s when the sleeping people finally woke up and realized that the 50s weren't actually working.
I think that it is a matter of traumas and bad self-confidence!
A abused kid or someone that has low self-esteem in its powers in order to feel superior looks for someone defendless and then feels powerful!
I feel so mad whenever i see or hear about such events especially when they take place within a family...Then what should the penalty be? The highest!
Wrong, do not think that i mean death, prison for life i mean but in a prison where no others of the kind are, where even the worst of the human beings hate pedophiles....
dimi888 said:
I think that it is a matter of traumas and bad self-confidence!
A abused kid or someone that has low self-esteem in its powers in order to feel superior looks for someone defendless and then feels powerful!
I feel so mad whenever i see or hear about such events especially when they take place within a family...Then what should the penalty be? The highest!
Wrong, do not think that i mean death, prison for life i mean but in a prison where no others of the kind are, where even the worst of the human beings hate pedophiles....
is this a direct response to a specific post or the topic in general???
Scott W said:
Im hoping that by quoting this, we can get back on topic a bit. Thats really interesting, I studied very little of history for my degree. So, my next question to you is, what should we do about it? Or is there anything we can do about it? I assume you would say that there will always be pedophiles in our societies, so we probably cant prevent it. How then do we cope with it in a society that will never be accepting of it as ancient cultures were.

In most ancient cultures there was no peadophilia and anyone behaving that way to very young kids would be killed. That's a good policy.
If a culture has it that as soon as a girl is fertile she can go ahead and get pregnant then that's a different matter entirely. They used to have a much lower life expectancy in the past, so they couldn't wait a long time to start reproducing.
The kind of creeps who are peadophiles nowadays are the sort of people who want to sell images of their abuse or make snuff movies. How can anyone be tolerant enough to think they deserve anything less than the maximum possible penalty?
Norsemaiden said:
In most ancient cultures there was no peadophilia and anyone behaving that way to very young kids would be killed. That's a good policy.
If a culture has it that as soon as a girl is fertile she can go ahead and get pregnant then that's a different matter entirely. They used to have a much lower life expectancy in the past, so they couldn't wait a long time to start reproducing.
The kind of creeps who are peadophiles nowadays are the sort of people who want to sell images of their abuse or make snuff movies. How can anyone be tolerant enough to think they deserve anything less than the maximum possible penalty?
i agree with you i think there's a really big difference between making a really really young girl orgasm and "molesting" a girl which is something that alot of people really think should be labeled as "rape"
Norsemaiden said:
In most ancient cultures there was no peadophilia and anyone behaving that way to very young kids would be killed. That's a good policy.
If a culture has it that as soon as a girl is fertile she can go ahead and get pregnant then that's a different matter entirely. They used to have a much lower life expectancy in the past, so they couldn't wait a long time to start reproducing.
The kind of creeps who are peadophiles nowadays are the sort of people who want to sell images of their abuse or make snuff movies. How can anyone be tolerant enough to think they deserve anything less than the maximum possible penalty?
Well I strongly oppose the death penalty, but I dont disagree with the main point. I dont know that we can do anything about it, until someone reveals themselves as a pedophile. At that point death for those who align with Norse, permanent institutionalization from my viewpoint. This is all assuming that we can in no way use therapy and drug therapy to help them become functioning members of society.
Ok listen, trofdallas is talking about children curiosity!
What children might to with each other is another thing, it is a natural way of the instinct to work. But when a grown up is getting advantage of it and tricks the kid (and here we are talking even for ages way younger than 14) to do something just to satisfy his perverted sexual fantasies, then we talk about evil! Also wedding on the age of 14 is another thing! Wedding doesnt necesarily contain molesting, does it?
tr_ofdallas said:
I'm just describing what everyone I've ever met went through. What, you thought I just made that stuff up on the spot? I don't really think it traumatized anybody so much as it taught them. I grew up in America, where the hell did you grow up? little kids always get curious about what the other gender's genitals look like long before the sex drive kicks in, you know like when little kids try to walk in on somebody of the opposite gender in the shower. In the 1600s every woman got married at 14. The "social climate" that you bitched about wouldn't have been able to become what it is if the people had been able to have sex at 14 when this Christianized country of sexualy stunted people first started being able to have pre-marital sex at the begining of the 60s when the sleeping people finally woke up and realized that the 50s weren't actually working.

i'm sorry but I strongly disagree. I never had such drives, nor did anyone I knew as far as I know. Your social upbringing must have been exceedingly different. From my perspective, the 60s were stupidity, and Christianity has nothing to do with it.

Honestly, my understanding of this issue as you present it goes like this:

1. You or some people you know went through these unusual childhood experiences.
2. You then, based on your own experience or these people's only, assume this is a global norm.
3. You come here and advocate everyone accept such things as normal, despite it being blatantly false considering that your "teaching" scenario is in fact a minority, and considered highly unusal and possibly criminal by most of current society.

The fact that your User title is sexual, that your profile is as well, indicates to me that you are in fact such a person who is of the mindset "sex for everyone!" flippant and pedestrian if you ask me. get over yourself, and get in tune with this world, or continue living in your sexual fantasy.

that you support pedophilia disgusts me.
I'm sensing that tr_ofdallas has some self-interest in this topic. Perhaps a future member of the National Man-Boy Love Association, eh? Pedophiles should be locked in a room for one hour with all the adult male members of their victim(s) so they can get a good beating before being sent to prison.

As far as the main topic, I wonder if any studies have been done on convicted pedophiles concerning whether they were also molested or had damaging sexual experiences as children? Could there be a long chain of self-perpetuating pedophilia stretching back through history? Thoughts?
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