Pee on your poop you filthy ape


May 2, 2001
.. from grey to black
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I have noticed something about my own waste excretion that I'm sure you will love to hear (and perhaps even visualize).

Let's say I have to take a dump, I feel like just a dump is needed, no pissing required. So I plant my ass on the can, hang on for dear life, and let 'er rip. Then, almost immediately after the last turd has fallen, I piss out the typical half litre of urine.

The order of events is what I'm getting at here. If I need to take a crap then I'm not even aware that I need to piss until after I've crapped to my satisfaction. I've asked others about this peculiar body behaviour and they all said the same thing (after they actually took note of it).

Recently, while discussing this phenomenon with a couple of medical people, one of them came up with a theory about why this is so:

When mammals shit, their shit is not exactly a healthy thing, it's loaded with nasty bacteria that can cause illnesses. Many mammals (ie. dogs, bears, large cats) have an instinct to piss on their crap after they've done their business. Urine is sterile and has the effect of killing the nasty bacteria, so it makes sense why they would do this, why they would evolved this bahaviour. Therefore, the mechanisms in the body work in such a way that if a mammal (some, not all) needs to crap then it will shut off the pee valve until the bowel is empty, and then it turns it back on afterwards and gives you the feeling like you are going to die if you don't piss. Evolution has provided an automatic way ensuring some animals do this, to some extent, forcing them to.

I'm not sure if the other primates do this too, but I'm willing to bet that at least the larger land-based ones do, and I'd bet a large sum of money that this is in fact the case.

I recall when I was a kid and we went camping and I had to shit outside, I would always pee on my crap afterwards. I thought I was just doing it for fun, but now I think there was a real instinctual motivation at work which compelled me to do this, even though I wasn't the least bit aware of it.

So that's my story for today. Now if you will excuse me, I feel a movement coming on....

Satori :p
hmmmm - always noticed this phenomenon, and have discussed this at length with close friends and family members:

I'm glad I have now received a medically based response to this, because in the past, our discussions always revolved around the fact that it was just anooying that the pee just had to follow.

Now I must experiment with this:
Totally drain the vein just prior to the poop experience, and see what follows. I may have to perform this several times to ensure that my conclusions are based in fact.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Now I must experiment with this:
Totally drain the vein just prior to the poop experience, and see what follows. I may have to perform this several times to ensure that my conclusions are based in fact.

This sounds like a great experiment. Be sure to update us on your findings, thanks,

Ewww:lol:wwwe...I should have known better. I hit that site address to see what the opening lines would be on the site and of course...instead I get a lovely toilet shot...LOADED. :err:

Satori, you have a way with comparing how close human actions are with ALL ways. It's always an interesting ride reading your posts. :D
Originally posted by Satori
Speaking of poo, my boss was surfing the net he stumbled onto this site and promptly shared his discovery with the rest of the office.

I think this could be turned into a major sporting event. Think about it; people would be payed to sit on their ass and eat, then take a shit. This sport alone would be the reason to create Smellavision. :D
Originally posted by Soulreaper
Thats the sickest website ive ever seen !!!
I never thought ppl can be THAT sick...

Yuck. :s

Someone should make a bukkake the poo site, now that would qualify as this sickest site ever I think (and it's also a coincidental variation on the pee on the poo theme!).


Im not shure if im sick because of this but that pictures remind me of MKII when the guy say "You win, Perfec"
or "Flawless Victory...."
Then "FINISH HIM" and you flush.....weird

And for those who think the site is sick thats not even close to sick....imagine the...material presented in that page involved in a sexual/eating act....thats the sickets ive seen and i still have nightmares about it....:cry: ....:cry:
Whoa, that's a really sick/funny site. To actually think that people go grab a camera after taking a dump. "Ooooh baby, get the camera! This one's a real winner..." :lol:

I don't know about making a sport out of that, but I am sure it would get some fans. Can you imagine if they had teams? What would be the names? What cities would host the teams? Haha, that's fun to think about. This thread definitely made my day. Thanks Satori!
Originally posted by Oyo
I think it's funny that your BOSS showed you this site. Where ex-act-ly do you work Satori? :confused:

What would you do with this information? hehe

yea, it's pretty cool eh? My bosses are quite cool, I won't get into it, but let's just say a little web toilet humour is on the tame side of our antics, heheh.

Originally posted by luke
I'm gone not even two weeks and this is all you have left to talk about?

We were plotting your murder, but then you came back and that triggered the deleteion of the thread (it pays to have friends at UM). This thread was only a cover, you see. Don't you feel better now?
