People suck ass...

when someone annoys me, i just walk up to them, go an inch away from their face and whisper to them (in a crazy way, of course) that i will "fucking kill them".... yeh its effective...
Scaring small animals with a grin...NICE. I can't quite do that, but once I was at my friend Adrienne's and her parents' annoying little dog was running around yapping at everyone. I fucking HATE tiny dogs, and this is one of those hideously pampered show dogs that barks constantly and annoyingly. So I bent down when it started barking at me and said, in my best Johan Hegg growl, "I'LL EAT YOUR SOUL."

Little fucker ran all the way upstairs with its tail between its legs. Didn't come back till we left.
MethodicalWasteManagement said:
Why is it that so many assumptions are made towards people who listen to music such as, thrash, grindcore, deathmetal, etc.? Just recently some fuck face decided to rag on me because I was wearing a trench coat and a Cryptopsy shirt. He said that I was probably one of those goth kids who hate the world... HAHAHA. I'm sorry, but I find that goths, or shall we say "goths" are a dying breed. Besides, I couldn't portray the goth image if I tried, for it would be too hard to keep a straight face. Call me retarded, but aren't goths blackmetal kiddies? Along with the goth insult he mentioned deathmetal and said I was also probably a satanist fuck whom listened to Slipknot????? Once again, HAHAHA. Deathmetal and Slipknot do not have any similarities whatsoever, Slipknot is nothing more than numetal played by 8 too many people. Sorry if I'm above people who listen to music for its catchiness rather than its depth. Sorry if it takes work on so many levels to fill my mind with what I consider to be meaningful art. Actually, fuck that, Im not sorry.

...Oh, and also, death to anyone who makes fun of trenchcoats for they keep my ass dry...

It is true that anyone with a shred of intelligence should be able to distinguish between a so called "goth kid" and a member of the metal community, however setting this aside I think people have every right to hurl abuse at you, maybe not because of anything you've done, but due to the immense amount of metalheads (I'm talking over 50% here) who have a derogatory and insulting attitude to people because they listen to non-metal music. Dressing in any style comes with the price of being lumped in with it's asshole representatives.
The fact is just like any "goth" you value your own image, it's clear that you cant handle having your image defaced, so to speak, and that you do care, otherwise you wouldnt've written this wonderful complaint.

The statement that Slipknot and death metal have no similarities is complete false. Yes Slipknot are a "nu-metal" band but the large amount of their sound is based on death metal and grindcore, whether you like it or not. Personally I dont like slipknot but to say they have no relation to death metal is complete egotistical denial. Obviously you cant handle the fact that your oh so perfect death metal which makes you feel so good about yourself has been altered and tarnished with elements of hardcore and hip hop. I'm sure you'll come back with some lovely words like "poseur" and "false" and maybe some sort of homosexual accusation. Please save yourself anymore embarrassment. :cool:
Stealer of Dreams said:
I'm too small and too peaceful to beat anyone up. And it baffles me how people can be so ignorant, or just assholes, concerning other peoples' opinions.
It's not your stature that prevents you from kicking ass, it's that hippy method of thinking.
"i just walk up to them, go an inch away from their face and whisper to them (in a crazy way, of course) that i will "fucking kill them".... yeh its effective..."

Well, a girl did something like that at my school not to long ago, except she was just joking, and only used the cliche phrase "I'm going to kill you." Well, to make a long story short, she's not at school right now, and won't be for......maybe..............20-30 more days.
What if you outwit them and then beat the shit out of them. It's amazing to what lengths people in general go to avoid violence. Not punching/kicking/stabbing/burning/maiming the person who wants to get confrontentional with you is like giving them a free ticket to heaven. Nobody here enjoys watching his fellow humans writhing in pain, lying in a pool of blood, with a knife sticking out their back, with half their teeth missing, choking on their own vomit? How will you ever know that you're alive if you never beat someone to within an inch of their life?
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Guerrilla said:
...And what sucks even more are whiners. You sound like those dumbass 13 year old goth kids that are in a constant suicidal mood cause they get picked on at school. Who cares what every idiot says about you, punch them in the face, get some brass knuckles or something, break their noses. People are pussies and want to avoid violence, they don't fight back. If you're like the people that wear a black trenchcoat when it's sunny out, prepare to defend your sense of fashion man ya know?

hahah! well said my friend :D