Why is it that so many assumptions are made towards people who listen to music such as, thrash, grindcore, deathmetal, etc.? Just recently some fuck face decided to rag on me because I was wearing a trench coat and a Cryptopsy shirt. He said that I was probably one of those goth kids who hate the world... HAHAHA. I'm sorry, but I find that goths, or shall we say "goths" are a dying breed. Besides, I couldn't portray the goth image if I tried, for it would be too hard to keep a straight face. Call me retarded, but aren't goths blackmetal kiddies? Along with the goth insult he mentioned deathmetal and said I was also probably a satanist fuck whom listened to Slipknot????? Once again, HAHAHA. Deathmetal and Slipknot do not have any similarities whatsoever, Slipknot is nothing more than numetal played by 8 too many people. Sorry if I'm above people who listen to music for its catchiness rather than its depth. Sorry if it takes work on so many levels to fill my mind with what I consider to be meaningful art. Actually, fuck that, Im not sorry.
...Oh, and also, death to anyone who makes fun of trenchcoats for they keep my ass dry...