People suck ass...

Oct 28, 2003
Why is it that so many assumptions are made towards people who listen to music such as, thrash, grindcore, deathmetal, etc.? Just recently some fuck face decided to rag on me because I was wearing a trench coat and a Cryptopsy shirt. He said that I was probably one of those goth kids who hate the world... HAHAHA. I'm sorry, but I find that goths, or shall we say "goths" are a dying breed. Besides, I couldn't portray the goth image if I tried, for it would be too hard to keep a straight face. Call me retarded, but aren't goths blackmetal kiddies? Along with the goth insult he mentioned deathmetal and said I was also probably a satanist fuck whom listened to Slipknot????? Once again, HAHAHA. Deathmetal and Slipknot do not have any similarities whatsoever, Slipknot is nothing more than numetal played by 8 too many people. Sorry if I'm above people who listen to music for its catchiness rather than its depth. Sorry if it takes work on so many levels to fill my mind with what I consider to be meaningful art. Actually, fuck that, Im not sorry.

...Oh, and also, death to anyone who makes fun of trenchcoats for they keep my ass dry...
I used to get that shit in high school but during that time (so many moons ago) i was in my grunge phase and i didnt look goth at all...I wore flannel and Pearl Jam shirts for shits sake! I used to laugh at them...of course many of my friends were into Marilyn Manson and they werent goth at all either...
Goths from what i remember were very different...they wore black wedding dresses and Robert Smith hairdos and listened to Sisters Of Mercy and Bauhaus..i dont remember Black metal kids being goth...
anyway, fuck those idiots...
there are ignorant people in this world, yes. but when faced with some dipshit like that, you just gotta remember you know better, and walk away with a *smile*
Of course I told the bastard my opinion. It's not that I care what the idiot said, I'm just completely confused as to how a person can be so completely stupid and close-minded. Sure it's irrelevant (most threads are) but I'm basically just wanting an answer as to why people are so goddamn ignorant. I guess there is no answer, they just are. Well, I guess their "righteous" parents can take some of the blame...

...Ha, yet again answering my own questions, wow, I'm smart :dopey:
...And what sucks even more are whiners. You sound like those dumbass 13 year old goth kids that are in a constant suicidal mood cause they get picked on at school. Who cares what every idiot says about you, punch them in the face, get some brass knuckles or something, break their noses. People are pussies and want to avoid violence, they don't fight back. If you're like the people that wear a black trenchcoat when it's sunny out, prepare to defend your sense of fashion man ya know?
Once again Guerilla is a sane man surronded by idiots. Quit fucking moaning about being different and being told about it. It will happen a lot, for a fucking long time. Deal with it.

You sound like the fucktard who got pissed off about people picking on him because he wore a boiler suit to school to emulate slipknot. That kid killed himself.

Stop whining or join him.
I am not a 13 year old goth. I am not "moaning and whining" Yes, I deal with it. No, I am not in suicidal mode 24/7. I am not constantly called different by others. If I am picked on, that's a rare occasion, I stop and beat the shit out of the one who insulted me. I just thought this would be a good topic to expand on, considering I'm bored and out of liquor at the moment. So if you don't like what I say, shove it up your ass.

I guess, thanks for your opinion?

Guerrilla: you had a point. I listened and thank you.

Junkie: Someone is Guerrilla's bitch. Instead of trying to restate what guerrilla said, give your own opinion. If that is your opinion, well, there's no need to make it known. you should think of somethng more useful to say or to do. I suggest picking up a hobby. (Compulsive masturbation does not count!)
I love stereotypes. I look like a stoner and yet I don't smoke pot. I don't dress "goth" so people don't think I'm depressed (which I'm not) or any of that bullshit.

I'm just a t shirt and jeans guy
Dude, Maharet's your arch nemesis? But that's not're both Opeth fans. Opethites have to band together to survive, because nature cheated them so cruelly. :D

I used to get that shit at my old high school. What I'd do is grin (and I do a FEARSOME crazy grin, Isabel can attest to that), pull out a notebook, and write down the person's name. Then I'd walk away.

They left me alone after a while. That was all I really wanted.

But yeah, try fucking with their heads. If that's too much effort, then punch 'em. If that's still too much effort, then who gives a shit about them?

And trenchcoats rule. I just got a new one (threw out my old one cause it finally got too beat even for me), and it's awesome. Immense and very warm and dry. Nobody gives me shit for it - new school, people as crazy as I am, good times. Just a matter of finding the right people, y'know?
No, I'm LoM's arch nemesis...

apparently maharet missed me posting my pic...well tough tonails! You'll have to pay to see it now!
