
Seriously, just because you dont have ripped jeans doesn't make you not a metal-head, its how much you actually like the music and how much respect for it, and goth's.... they just suck in general.:yuk:
Narg n Lamb said:

this is another reason why I hate punks....

disturbed may not be a very hard band but they are good for what they are. they have great melodies, great vocals and good lyrics.

you hate that i like girls in tight pants? are you gay?
blakscorpion21 said:
disturbed may not be a very hard band but they are good for what they are. they have great melodies, great vocals and good lyrics.

Disturbed + what you just described = every band that has ever touched a guitar is fucking incredible.
blakscorpion21 said:
im not goth, and i do not worship sliopknot i just know they are better than most give them credit for. i wear normal sized clothes and not much black, i dont paint my nails, i dont have long hair, i dont skateboard. theres nothing goth about me. tight pants are for girls.

Slipknot DO get a lot of credit. Just not for the right reasons. They got popular for making mainstream friendly music and that can be disregarded by metalheads. Plus I find bands to be lackluster without solos.
Kenneth R. said:
true gothic has nothing to do with leather or studs.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
yah! That's the ONLY way to be cool! MAN you're good.


Uh wouldn't it be considered uncool if you like bands that nobodys heard of hence the name "underground" so basically your saying I'm trying to be cool by liking bands that NOBODY else likes?
Thraxz said:
Disturbed + what you just described = every band that has ever touched a guitar is fucking incredible.

lol. im with ya on that one. Great melodies? more like dun dun dun dun dun dun dun get down with the sickness dun dun. dun = open e string