Perfect Metal&Rock songs for "partying"!

Metal is perfect for parties, if you think not you got the wrong ideas about Metal. You wanna listen to gangsta rap, r&b, emo, and some post-disco garbage? I guess if that's your thing.

Some of these songs would be best only for a serious metal party

Dark Tranquillity - The Sun Fired Blanks, some other songs
Soilwork - Steelbath Suicide, Figure Number Five...
Witchery - Wicked Spirits, Plague Rider, etc...
Nightingale - Falling, many other songs
Iron Maiden - alot of their songs
Megadeth - Wake Up Dead, Blackmail the Universe, Peace Sells, etc etc
Steel (lol)
Darkthrone - Cult of Goliath maybe other 'newer' songs
Satyricon - K.i.n.g. and other songs
Arch Enemy - Angel Claw and other songs
Metallica - some of their songs might be good
Type O Negative - some good songs
Ozzy - some good songs
Some Slayer would be nice, particularly a continuous loop of the intense parts of Raining Blood.
hahha, the Attack Attack video is hilarious.. especially the techno part at 2:45! seriously watch it.. its worth the laugh x)
jesus christ how has there been not one mention of fucking ACE OF SPADES

you guys are fucking retarded. bloodbath? in flames? dark tranquility?

but yet no mention of motorhead. what the fuck.
jesus christ how has there been not one mention of fucking ACE OF SPADES

you guys are fucking retarded. bloodbath? in flames? dark tranquility?

but yet no mention of motorhead. what the fuck.
That, along with Paranoid and Smoke On the Water, has got to be the most frequently played and incredibly annoying rock song of the period. I loved it the first ten times...