Personal Shit Thread version 2.0

Jeez Dave, sounds like you're a busy man! actually an understatement.

I'll fill you all in with what's going on with me. Well, I'm back here in the UK, living at my rents where the weather is horrible, I have no friends that aren't complete wasters/drug users/dealers and there is barely ANY jobs. I need to make money because if there's ANY chance I can get back to Australia and be with her then I'll need money - so that's my short term plan, but it's not easy. Hence me saying there's barely ANY jobs.

In hindsight, I should have never come back. I wish I had stayed and risked everything to live in Australia and be happy with her. Hindsight is always 20-20 though isn't it, and looking back I did do the right thing - for then. I just need to figure out what the fuck I'm going do now, and how the fuck I'm going to do it.

Please guys, wish me luck. I have a feeling I'm going to fucking need it!! :lol:
I'll fill you all in with what's going on with me. Well, I'm back here in the UK, living at my rents where the weather is horrible, I have no friends that aren't complete wasters/drug users/dealers and there is barely ANY jobs. I need to make money because if there's ANY chance I can get back to Australia and be with her then I'll need money - so that's my short term plan, but it's not easy. Hence me saying there's barely ANY jobs.

Damn, so this is what its like to find someone truly in love with another. :lol: If you want my unprofessional advice, I think you should research more options on how to become a valid citizen in Aussie... well, when you're not job huntin' or something.

In hindsight, I should have never come back. I wish I had stayed and risked everything to live in Australia and be happy with her. Hindsight is always 20-20 though isn't it, and looking back I did do the right thing - for then. I just need to figure out what the fuck I'm going do now, and how the fuck I'm going to do it.

Hindsight is always 20-20, but its better to be safe than sorry? :confused: In short, I think you did make the right decision as well. Besides, (apologizing if this seems pessimistic) what would've happened if you did risk it and you lost it all for this?

Please guys, wish me luck. I have a feeling I'm going to fucking need it!! :lol:

I said it before and I'll say it again; it sucks when you can't be in the same country as the one(s) you love, and I can't imagine what would happen if my cousins got deported from Canada. So I mean it when I say best of luck with the situation bro. :)
Jeez Dave, sounds like you're a busy man! actually an understatement.

I'll fill you all in with what's going on with me. Well, I'm back here in the UK, living at my rents where the weather is horrible, I have no friends that aren't complete wasters/drug users/dealers and there is barely ANY jobs. I need to make money because if there's ANY chance I can get back to Australia and be with her then I'll need money - so that's my short term plan, but it's not easy. Hence me saying there's barely ANY jobs.

In hindsight, I should have never come back. I wish I had stayed and risked everything to live in Australia and be happy with her. Hindsight is always 20-20 though isn't it, and looking back I did do the right thing - for then. I just need to figure out what the fuck I'm going do now, and how the fuck I'm going to do it.

Please guys, wish me luck. I have a feeling I'm going to fucking need it!! :lol:

I'll give you one advice: COME TO GERMANY!! :ill:
I reckon you did make the right decision, Podge. There really wasn't much choice in the end. Of course, this doesn't mean you can never go back. I'd also say look into becoming an Aussie citizen. The best of luck to you!
I'm really stressing out at the moment. The guitarist/vocalist of the band I manage attempted suicide the other night. He's been in and out of the hospital and is now back in. He thinks he is fine so is getting very angry, frustrated, fucked off, aggressive because he wants to go home. But for someone who self harmed only hours ago, he is not stable. The longer he is detained for, the more aggressive he gets.
Fuck this shit, I don't know what to do. I actually kind of hope they transport him and keep him in a mental illness ward for a little while.
this guy^^^ pretended to be me on the phone and reported my debit card stolen, so then i had to get on the phone to straighten everything out
the debit card in my wallet is totally useless now so i have to wait till they send me a new one to access my money

new card won't even be here till tomorow or monday
i have no money right now
Hate to be a sad cunt and exhume this thread but I've been wading through a fuck ton of liquid shit which's invaded my life these past 5-6 weeks and I'm just about done with it all. So I thought I'd lay it all out here seeing as though non of you judge / even know me.

In (pretty much) chronological order:

  • Girlfriend left me
  • Couldn't migrate to, and settle in Australia with her
  • Lost savings / investments
  • Was forced to remain in Middlesbrough and look for work...
  • Lost wallet (including sentimental items)
  • Lost phone
  • Was involved in the plane incident
  • Deemed unfit to work by docs and prescribed meds for after effects of trauma
  • Missed out on new job I was due to start
  • Lost two of his 5-6 only 'close' friends (both separately, but equally disappointing)
  • Pushed away others around me, for various reasons
  • Continued my downhill smoking habits... and in turn put myself into a bit more debt...
  • Deleted all the deadwood 'friends' from my facebook (and prepared myself for the inevitable backlash when people realise I wasn't joking when I said Middlesbrough was full of losers and it wasn't for me)
  • Somehow managed to contract a 17 year old admirer
  • Fell off a wall and took a rough fall...
  • Lost my favourite lighter (lol)
  • Basically turned into a bitter dickhead
  • But at the end of the day just doesn't know what to do now...
  • And honestly does not really care :)

And there's probably more, but fuck. Whatevz. Hope you guys are good 'cause I'm having SHIT luck haha
Dropping the deadweight is a good thing mate! You know where I'm at should you need anything and I'll do what I can for you, brohemoth <3

I'm pretty fucked right now myself. STILL in a lot of debt, but the worst part is that these 300 contracts that I was supposed to be working with ISS this summer - pretty much the thing I've been banking on - have ALL gone to shit because our contractors are fucking assholes. So I can't work with ISS until next year because all of the contracts have fallen through. And there's literally no work to be had anywhere in the security industry or anywhere else. To make this worse, there's the sanction letter from Interserve that I've been slapped with - which essentially equates to "You were 15 minutes late due to the incompetence of public transport, but we're going to say you just didn't turn up at all because you're a lazy bastard and thus ensuring that what little income you're getting is severed for six months". Yeah, when you have shows/albums to do, a daughter to provide for and a ridiculous amount of debt to pay off, that's literally the LAST thing you want.

So I've had to sell off a shitload of stuff, but even that isn't enough to cover my tracks. I'm pretty fucked haha :( I'm going to wallow in despair with Podgie over there...
I've probably mentioned it before that I'm in delayed entry for the Air Force... Which I think could be the greatest thing ever for me, given that if it wasn't an option to take, I'd be a pretty cool homeless guy.
Anyway, after months of waiting due to conforming to the height/weight standards, I've finally gotten a job contract and a date for BMT. The date set is November 18th.
This is both good and bad for me.
I'll start with the bad:
  • That's 5 months away.
  • I've waited almost a year prior
  • From then to now, I've been stuck in my house with nothing to do, waiting on them to get me a damn job
  • I live in the mountains
  • Secluded
  • I can't drive, but have license
  • Depend on parents for food, transportation, ass-wiping, etc.
  • Nearest town is 10 miles away
  • Even then, there's not much to do there.
  • No job = no $$$
  • Internet sucks at home. Only have 250 MBs of bandwidth per day due to the fact that I live in the mountains and the only provider is a heap of shit.
  • Never get HughesNet.
  • I have to put up with 5 more months of this.
As for the good:
  • Practically everything opposite of that.
  • All that time at home gives me a lot of practice time on the guitar.
  • Gets me out of the house and on with my opportunistic life when the day comes.
  • Swarming in wimminz due to smexy uniform.

So... That's kinda what's going on with me right now. :Spin:
We need a worldwide uprising against the government(s) before shit gets out of hand. I'm so depressed with the state of the world and the ignorance of mankind that I genuinely loathe emerging from my house during the day.

Oh... I thought some major shit had gone down...

I gave up being surprised at the news long ago. I may be desensitised but yeah, I stopped giving a fuck about the self-desctructive tendencies of our species and I only feel better about life since I did.
I wish I could stop giving a fuck about the human race, I really do. But in my eyes, that makes me no better than these fucking fatcat scum that are making ridiculous cuts, imposing preposterous taxes and absolutely destroying the livelihood of good, innocent people
Suit yourself. I'm not going to come here and say you should stop caring about what happens in the world, especially if it affects you. Also, I'm fairly sure you know where I'm from. Portugal has been in an economic crisis for, heck, I can't even remember when. We are always stuck lagging behind when it comes to the EU, even though the country spends money like it's big. Now we're stuck with an 18% unemployment rate and external debt equivalent to 223% of our GDP. So, ridiculous cuts and preposterous taxes are all the rage over here as well.

Shit is going to go down whether I'm worried about it or not and I know very well I can't do shit about it.

It may very well be that I'm just a stupid 20-year-old with no "real" responsabilities who still hasn't been fucked by "big picture", "life problems" enough to care but that's how I feel.