Pet Peeves


New Metal Member
I just wanna know, what are your top 3?

Mine are;
1. People that speed up when they see you trying to merge into traffic from an onramp.
2.People that talk on cellphones whilst driving, ESPECIALLY during rush hour!
3.Those small yappy pseudo-dogs that are half rodent. These things should be illegal, or at least open season year round!

1)Sorority girls and frat guys on campus...they are all brain dead.
3)ROmantic comedies (WHY!?!?!?!)
4)Little rodent dogs
5)kevin Costner movies
9)Computer nerds
I was referring to the sit all day playing counter-strike while acting like a know it all even though they know shit kind of cpu nerds! :)
Hey-ya'll can go honk the high hard one.I happen to have FOUR of those yappy little rodents-CHIHUAHUA IS THE TERM!AND THEY ARE THE COOLEST!So gag on that then!
I got it:
1) Slipknot
2) people in front of me making a left turn that take up (while not going) time in which you and a couple of other people could've also gone.
3) Those fucking losers that look at a metal head and do the "whoa, what's up dude?" stereotype or hold their fucking hands in the air with the "rock on" sign and make asses of themselves trying to mimic a headbanger (Beavis and Butthead)

Sadistic; really cool quote, who is that? You give the name...but what kind of works have they done? (Philosopher?, band member? etc.)
A famous Russian author...wrote Brothers Karamazov, The Idiot, The Double, The Possessed, Crime and Punishment. Always, in the Russian tradition, a philisophical deeply layered read. This quote is from Brothers Karamazov.
He wrote Notes from Underground, too. Franz Kafka wrote The Metamorphosis.

1. People with the metalhead stereotypes. "Hey dude [sign of horns accompanied by fake headbanging]! Rock on man!" They do that shit because they think that's the way we act or something... I don't know.

2. People who ask me when I plan on cutting my hair.

3. People whose bass from their car stereo shakes my house.

4. People whose car stereos/rims/neon lights cost more than the car itself.

5. People who call football soccer.

6. People who think slipknot and the like are death metal.
1) homophobic idiots
2)people who ask me why I listen to "this junk"
3) anyone who starts talking about why I have such long hair
4)everyone who tells me what I write, say or do is not good enough

(mind you this isn't in any order)
The word pet peeve, it sounds stupid.

1. old people who can drive
2. Neo-Nazis
3. people telling me to shave, fuck let me grow my facial hair
4. old people asking me if I know what the "Meshuggah" on my shirt means.
5. People bashing Pantera b/c they can.
6. people who think they are better than other people b/c of education, money, race.
7. Forcing religion down peoples throats
8. People who are drunk and violent
9. People call me a loser b/c I enjoy smoking a joint every once and awhile mind your own fucking buisness.

I can go on and on but im done.