
New Metal Member
May 23, 2007
Why didnt Micheal Akerfieldts get the great Dan Swano instead of fredrick....although fredrick is cool , but dan swano is even more talented and would have been such a god damn band with Akerfieldts and Dan swano in it:OMG:

we will have to wait and see what will they get out with FRED

hope its good enough
It's already been said idiot. And two masterminds in one band is a recipe for disaster.
Checklist for looking like an asshole:

1) Stupid fucking font.

2) EVERYTHING misspelled

3) Topic already covered in massive, multi-page thread

4) Dumb idea (this may be subjective)

good work!
Congratulations noob, Sanzen covered it.

I'll just add: Swanö is awesome but he's also FUCKING BUSY like CRAZY. He can't be a member of TWO bands fulltime and tons of bands + production part time! Not to mention, that no offense to my man Dan, but as far as guitar goes, he's not up there at the top technically speaking. Still love his work though.

also: Å-k-e-r-f-e-l-d-t :lol:
Plus Fredrik and Mikael have been friends for however many years. Why would you question his decision? Sure he could probably have a million different people join if he wanted, but he didn't. I'm sure he considered it before making his decision.
i feel that the only font that can truly represent my feelings.............. ...........
a circle can only have one center...!!!!........Mike only wokrs well by himself i guess..!!!!......and its totally cool....alot of musicians do......!!!....PEAC EOUT
The only critical thing I can say about hiring Fredrick before I hear their next album is that he's not named Martin.