Im not showing any tough-grim-deathmetal-rraaarrrgh exterior, i just like the music, not the thing that surrounds it. Maybe I overreacted when i saw that but but finding this things creepy is not being a wimpA. Iverson said:Bunch of pussies, grossed out by the process that brought you to life, Yeah thats right, you arrived here through your mothers bloody dripping cunt, not dangling from the beak of a fucking stork. It's not 'eww' its not 'yucky' its not 'sick', its natural. Jeez. So you're all wimps under that tough-grim-deathmetal-rrraaarrrgh exterior....
this isnt a blind guardian forum, no warriors here lolKenneth R. said:LMAO at tr00 kvlt metal warriors being grossed out by childbirth.
artnoir said:I actually thought the logo on Per's t-shirt looks like my old band's, but I highly doubt it is hehe...
Kenneth R. said:it is life. the great mystery. would you rather pictures of death?
NicholasDWolfwood said:That'd be the logo of tr00 kvlt black metal band Burzum. I like Burzum. Good music, crazy man.
Kerry King said:I dont like Burzum. I find it incoherant, nonsensical garbage. My two sents.
It is not a very pleasant picture, but like others have said it's a natural process, and it's not that bad. Come on, haven't you seen Goatse, or Tubgirl, or Lemonparty? This is nothing. Then again, the internet has probably completely desensitized me from these kinds of things.Tubbs Mcgee said:You people have no sense of dignity; I almost had a heart attack this morning from that picture. Just take the fucking picture down already. I want to be able to look through this thread without worrying about shit like that.