Pick 10 albums...

Slumber's got the atmosphere of a gay porno... on steroids. It's atmosphere is essentially Brave Murder Day. I swear every riff on that album was done on either Brave Murder Day or Viva Emptiness. Couldn't stand that record. Rapture is also in the list of bands that just need to sit back and write something original. Swallow the Sun, on the other hand, outside of the DeathMelodicDoom comparisons, atleast have an ounce of originality in what they do.

I swear both Rapture and Katatonia no matter how sucky they ever become will own Swallow The Sun, because that band needs Jonas Renkse to make a good tune.
And <code>, fucker. Then you can bitch about how Simen ruins the next album.

I don't even need to listen to the album again to tell you that simen's vocals are going to be just as hideously overdone as the rest of his vocal career. :lol:

If only he'd just tone it down a bit, but no... he has to overdo it even more and more with each album he sings on.
I've got to admit what Kvhost did is going to be extremely hard to top.

I don't know what you thought about it. I know Max didn't like Noveua Gloaming. I mean Novella Resoirvoir. Which ever one it is. But I didn't either at first.

Upon further listens I found tracks 3 and 4 to be amazing while the rest of the album remained decent.
I only briefly skimmed that <code> album and found it to be not so impressive. But I disagree with Eric about Simen, as Quintessence is one of my favorite albums of all time mostly due to the vocals.

And Novella Reservoir is a kind of boring on CD, but live that shit is great.
Nah, Of Sculptured Ivy... and The Knowing are far better. Actually, I like Amidst its Hallowed Mirth more, too. I'm just gonna go ahead and say that To Welcome The Fade is probably my least favorite ND album.
as Quintessence is one of my favorite albums of all time mostly due to the vocals.

Max, I had no idea! I <3 you man!

About TNR, to me it just seemed like an extremely poor mans TPHD. I mean,

The Pale Haunt Departure > Rain
Swallowed By The Moon > The Novella Reservoir "best song on the album"
Dark World Burden > Drown The Inland Mere
Autumn Reflection > Everything else on the album put together.

Paul's clean vocals while sometimes the highlight of the band for me, were extremely boring. Not even so much the vocals themselves, just the vocal lines.
I don't even need to listen to the album again to tell you that simen's vocals are going to be just as hideously overdone as the rest of his vocal career. :lol:

If only he'd just tone it down a bit, but no... he has to overdo it even more and more with each album he sings on.
but he was fantastic as a guest on La Masquerade Infernale!!

(because he was over the top)
Do you really prefer Garm as a baritone over Garm as whatever he was on Sham Mirrors Neal? Really?

I fucking love the guy with Ulver, Sham Mirrors, his vocals on that Kiss From A Rose cover were AMAZING, I just hate him on LMI except Painting My Horror where he outshines Simen.