Picked up a Krank REV 1 today.


Nov 17, 2014

What are your thoughts on it?
Nah I hear what he's talking about, there's a pokey/ringy frequency in the middle that's really obvious on the open notes. I think it's in the grind on the bass guitar. You could notch that out really easily.
I found the krank line really fun but temperamental as a whole. In a studio environment they're a killer option. Live the interactivity between volume, eq and distortion can be frustrating.
Nah I hear what he's talking about, there's a pokey/ringy frequency in the middle that's really obvious on the open notes. I think it's in the grind on the bass guitar. You could notch that out really easily.

Ah right I was wondering what he ment, the bass stringy sound? I guess its very 'Fieldy'... next mix, less stringy bass :P
Other than the bass thingy the others mentioned, I think it sounds pissed off!

I have a Rev Jr. which I love, but yeah, its knobs' sweet spots are REALLY REALLY narrow. The amp loves the mic, though.
Pretty sure 1 is the KPA; the pick attack is a little more forward and the upper midrange seems a little less squishy in general. I tend to find the KPA does this to all amps but it's a very subtle change.

Wrong, first is real :)

Right, here is a new mix from my Kemper REV 1 pack at my store here.