Picture Thread

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Cookie was adopted by Emily Joseph of Mayfield Heights. She is a curious young bunny who loves her apple and never refuses petting. Now she lives in Emily's bedroom and helps her study.

n____n Bunney! ^__^



Me-festival follows.

Exhibit #1: http://www.geopoliticadelpetrolio.com/mighty_glorious.jpg
Kiddie hyena, aged 4, in two black-and-white pictures.
Top picture shows how the subject already had a profound understanding of vantage points. Bottom picture shows the subject's inclination towards aggression, many years later registered in the famous quote "I've both might and will to fight".

Exhibit #2: http://www.geopoliticadelpetrolio.com/scotland.jpg
Teenaged hyena, aged 15, showing the only mentionable part of the torments of adolescence: an inclination towards heavy metal.

Exhibit #3: http://www.geopoliticadelpetrolio.com/cross.jpg
Slightly older teenaged hyena, aged 17, trying to keep on being metal even though it's easier in cold, leather-filled Scotland than in the caribbean. The cross is just a touch of style.

Exhibit #4: http://www.geopoliticadelpetrolio.com/claudia.jpg
Barely legal hyena, aged 18. This is the official forum picture and also one of the only two i ever looked good in. The other is, uncharacteristically, on my ID.

Exhibit #5: http://www.geopoliticadelpetrolio.com/graduation.jpg
Just graduated hyena, aged 22. Moderator rahvin prominently features.

Exhibit #6: http://www.geopoliticadelpetrolio.com/me.jpg
Seriously drunk hyena, aged 23, as far as she can remember (maybe 24, who knows, I was drunk). Basically a proof of the fact that the most promising subjects can go downhill for a while.

The next one will be in the papers. ;)
@hyena: picture five also qualifies as the only picture of someone who's truly happy that we have left, unless you got something back from spain or venice. and no, of course i don't mean you, as you had no real reason to be truly happy since you were leaving no nice recollections to anybody on that day or any other of your sad, one-track life. ;)

in exhibit #6 you were positively shitfaced, i give you that.
The Forum Members page is back up and can be found by
typing the following to your favorite browser:


If you wonder about the name, then here is an explanation:


1. One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out
a plot to kill a prominent person.
2. Assassin A member of a secret order of Muslims who terrorized and
killed Christian Crusaders and others.

[French, from Medieval Latin assassinus, from Arabic hassasin, pl. of
hassas, hashish user, from hasis, hashish. See hashish.]

Word History: At first glance, one would be hard-pressed to find a
link between pleasure and the acts of assassins. Such was not the case,
however, with those who gave us the word assassin. They were members of
a secret Islamic order originating in the 11th century who believed it
was a religious duty to harass and murder their enemies. The most
important members of the order were those who actually did the killing.
Having been promised paradise in return for dying in action, the killers,
it is said, were made to yearn for paradise by being given a life of
pleasure that included the use of hashish. From this came the name for
the secret order as a whole, hassasin, "hashish users." After passing
through French or Italian, the word came into English and is recorded in
1603 with reference to the Muslim Assassins.

And as you know my name is finnish for assassin and no, this has
nothing to do with sympathies or some such non-sense to the current
events or hashish users for that matter.

Now, I will go get some beers in the local bar and will begin the update
process planning tomorrow.

Also added The Grand Wazoo to the pages.


"You have included too many images in your signature or in your previous
post. Please go back and correct the problem and then continue again.

Images include use of smilies, the vB code tag and HTML <img> tags.
The use of these is all subject to them being enabled by the administrator."

SO IF YOU WANNA USE THIS BITCH WYSIWYG crap, then don't disable the
options for images, if I copy something from another page it's not my fault
your stupid board thinks it's a fucking image. STOP USING WYSIWYG crap
and this problem will go away, WYSIWYG is shit anyway.
NicktheClayman said:
Cool as feck Salmy. Did you steal that text from the Nick/Villain assasin posts a long time ago? /forum/images/smilies/frown.gif /forum/images/smilies/tongue.gif
You mean the explanation for the domain name? That is from
dictionary.com, I don't think I have seen the post you are talking about?
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@Salamy: Great job!
Salamus: Thanks.

By the way I found a slight error while browsing through the pictures page. : p
The link for melancholia doesn't work because you have an 'M' instead of an 'm'

I love Siren's.. how it's just a forbidding gaze and nothing more
MagSec4 said:
Salamus: Thanks.

By the way I found a slight error while browsing through the pictures page. : p
The link for melancholia doesn't work because you have an 'M' instead of an 'm'
Yep, thanks, fixed.
Sometimes forget to to lower case the link, since I copy the
name to 3 places there.
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