Picture Thread

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_Zsuzsa_ said:
@Spike: haven't you been at the afterparty in Tavastia (at the DT meeting)? If so then you most certainly saw me cause I've been there for a while as well (tho only before the DT guys arrived).
I was there but I only turned up just before or as the DT guys turned up. Trust me, if I saw you there, I would have remembered.

Hearse said:
were I really the ONLY finn that bought you beer/cider/jäger? :yow:
Yup. And I would be glad to return the favour one of these days.

Actaully, no wait. I THINK I was given a beer by a completely random chick (old :erk: ) in Imatra.... I think.

ouagadougou said:
Tee posted pics of two different cats, a black/white one and a grey one, Spike.
Oh. Well, the 2nd pic only loaded a little bit then stopped ever time, so I gave up on ot. My bad.
_Zsuzsa_: Actually, I am being in formed by a certain short red head that you were there for a brief time while I was... before you left. Guess we were never introduced before you legged it. Ah well. Another time, perhaps?

ps. DJ, you sir, ROCK!
Lethe85 said:
hey Dreamcell! why won't you come to the Metalist festival in Israel? :)
Orphaned Land will be there ;)

I wish i could be there but i'm short with money at this period...damned!!! :yell:

I'm sure you'll be there, right? Orphaned Land's playlist will include only songs from the "Sahara" album to honour a decade from it's release day...lucky you!!!:yell:

Give my greetings and love to guys in Orphaned Land ok? :wave: :)
ah actually i don't really listen to OL, i heard 3-4 songs of theirs or so, but it's nice to see them live.... so i believe i'll go to that metalist festival (... you know, we never get the chance to see something better here, so... :( )
anywayz, i will give Uri greetings + a hugg from you next time i'll meet him :)
Kovenant84 said:
I'd cut that out if I were you. I think he enjoys it :p

He might, but he certainly doesn't enjoy when someone bites his cheeks :heh: :p




yeah yeah the first pic is giant..
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