
Awww. If he wasn't in Firewind he'd still be rather attractive though ^_^

xx Kirsty

lmao,that could offend somebody don'tcha think? LOL kidding...

seriously,maybe is cos of my age,i keep "other matters" out of a music forum ;)
i'm not blaming ya,i was the same at your age ^_^
These pictures make my stomach all funny :)


xx Kirsty

Hmmm I'm feeling déjà vu. Is that the D.E. "Book of Heavy Metal" video landscape? :p
LMAO! I fucking KNEW it looked familiar!!!!! Well spotted!!!

Surely it's not the EXACT same...

But yeah, I just love how blatantly photoshopped that picture is :) They haven't been blended very well at all :( It reminds me of my "Firewind do the can-can" thread on here!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

xx Kirsty
I run a humble live concert photography website called ECHOES OF LIVE where I collect seriously visually stunning and high quality pictures shot by fans. Please have a look at the website. If you have pictures of Firewind or any other high profile band which are as good or even better, then don't hesitate to send me your pictures for inclusion in the gallery. Note that pictures only make it to the gallery via a poll.