I know that, and I am not a racist. but I still would be ashamed to be an american, because of the image that their country has at least here in Finland nowdays... I am not saying that every american is automatically an asshole. But as sad as it is, stereotypes rule this world.
People like you piss me off. Everyone needs to understand something. NO ONE IN AMERICA LIKES BUSH AND HIS GOVERNMENT. He's an idiot coward who did everything just to follow in daddy's foot steps. Yes he was elected, but he almost didn't make it - twice. In fact, the ballots were all screwed up - twice. So he was probably elected unfairly. And obviously I'm a big fat cow who eats McDonald's everyday right? Don't hate Americans, hate that faggot who's running the country.
So much for the allegedly strongest democracy in this planet, wouldn't you say?
People like you piss me off. Everyone needs to understand something. NO ONE IN AMERICA LIKES BUSH AND HIS GOVERNMENT. He's an idiot coward who did everything just to follow in daddy's foot steps. Yes he was elected, but he almost didn't make it - twice. In fact, the ballots were all screwed up - twice. So he was probably elected unfairly. And obviously I'm a big fat cow who eats McDonald's everyday right? Don't hate Americans, hate that faggot who's running the country.