Plastic war implememnet stall for 04...


Sep 3, 2003
Leeds, UK
Seeing the plastic weaponry floating around at this years 'stock i think it would be a great idea, and a great money maker to have a weaponry stall at next years 'stock, especially if you had Manowar or Rhapsody or someone equally as epic... i can just see the crowd now, how true!
I think this is great idea!! However, this means, as Eagle always wants to go one better, he will insist on wearing his chain mail vest, drinking horn, etc!! This is indeed a scary prospect... :lol: Maybe we should warn the parents of young children!!
of course real weaponry would be of greater truth but tis rather dangerous i think... oh, and bring on the chain mail and drinking horns...
nah, just use plastic horns, i found a shop that sells hats with detachable horns, plastic ones allbeit but for the princely sum of 2.99... what a deal...
hmm.. is that sarcasm.. i cant tell... anyway i defend myself because im a student, i cant afford real horns and such like... plastic is good enough for me...
Hey, i had the idea, just not the arsednes to carry it through, respect though for you obvious truth... fight the good fight...
I will dress in a leather spiked codpiece, if someone else wears a loincloth.
Plastic weapon stall would be a great idea.
Plus, Eagle, you can order custom made plate mail from the Royal Armories, I think it's about £2000 - so tr00.
Joe5now said:
I will dress in a leather spiked codpiece, if someone else wears a loincloth.
Plastic weapon stall would be a great idea.
Plus, Eagle, you can order custom made plate mail from the Royal Armories, I think it's about £2000 - so tr00.

Do not encourage him!! You know who will have to clean it!! :p

BTW I have promised to wear medieval garb if Rhapsody play!!! :D

