Playstation Plus


Oct 10, 2009
I just picked up Playstation Plus service on PSN for the year + 3 months. Anyone else got it? Just curious what people think of it. I think it's a pretty good value , I got Wipeout HD free , which is normally 20 bucks , along with a cool free theme and some add on packs like Warhawk that I didn't have.Also got Rally Cross PS1 game (5.99) and Age of Zombies mini game. I paid 53.99 or something with tax , and I already got about $40 or more in value from it. Also cool that it pushes demos and updates to your system and can turn it on to install them so I don;t have to be bothered with that shit when I just wanna play. They are supposed to have 1 free new psn game , 1 free mini game and 1 free ps1 game every month to download. I also like the 1 hour free trial of full games , I downloaded Infamous and played it for a while. I like how any trophies you unlock , and your progress , is saved for if you pick up the full game later.:rock:
I just can;t wait for them to do cross game voice chat and party invites like Xbox Live has
my playstation 3 shit the bed on me :(

It was working just fine for about a month and then all of a sudden ... screen freezes and now 99% of the time when I turn it on I get a blank screen. I've done the reset vodeo settings thing for a couple hours straight, no luck and in fact it sometimes (with no game in it) freezes right at the opening PS screen or the screen turns into the matrix or something.

I'm hoping its just a bad hard drive cause I'll try picking one up this weekend and replacing it. I don't really feel happy at the idea of sending it to sony to have them fix it.

my PS2 works just fuckin fine though ... after 8 years of solid abuse that bastard is still working with not a problem.

Upgrade my ass
I've gone through two PS3's already. I just picked up a Slim and insured it through 's Squaretrade warranty , I got a drop spill warranty for like 90 bucks for 3 years
Jay do you know yet if the newer PS3s are backward compatible with the older games? I thought someone had mentioned that sony was just gonna start doing that with all of the newer ps3s ... which would piss me off but at least I would know I don't have to search out another 60gb model
Yeah , all Slims are NOT backwards compatible , which sucks , but they are WAY smaller and look cooler , as well as supposedly are less likely to crap out because of smaller tech and better cooling. I don't care that much , they seem to be bringing out all the best trilogies etc with HD res and trophies now so I am willing to buy them again for that

Edit : I think it can play PS1 games though , just not PS2 , they took out the PS2 chip to save on production costs
^Yeah but you gotta pay sony about $187 when you factor tax to fix it , do that twice and you could've bought a slim and a new game

out with the old in with the new I say , it seems all tech is rigged to explode after about 3 years , that's why I just insure it for 3 years then sell sell sell
^Yeah but you gotta pay sony about $187 when you factor tax to fix it , do that twice and you could've bought a slim and a new game

out with the old in with the new I say , it seems all tech is rigged to explode after about 3 years , that's why I just insure it for 3 years then sell sell sell

I got a few friends who work for sony who can fix ps3's at their houses so if it breaks ill just take it to them.
This is never gonna happen.
yeah the first PS3's were totally BC , but then I guess they realized they can make money re releasing them in HD for PS3. Like I said I'd rather pay for the HD , when I played PS2 games on my PS3 they looked HORRID , washed out colors and aliasing all over , and blurry textures everywhere
When I popped in God Of War Collection I was sold , looks SO MUCH better
If the new hard drive doesn't work I might just have to go the "2 game consoles" route and just bite the bullet, get a ps3 slim

is there a site where they list all the ps2 games that have been re released for ps3? I googled and came up with a bunch of fanboi wish lists
If the new hard drive doesn't work I might just have to go the "2 game consoles" route and just bite the bullet, get a ps3 slim

is there a site where they list all the ps2 games that have been re released for ps3? I googled and came up with a bunch of fanboi wish lists

So far only God Of War Collection and Sly Cooper Collection is coming soon...
also heavily rumored is the Ico collection with Ico and Shadow of the Collossus. Sony said that GOW Collection did VERY well so they are definitely working on other ones. I want the Metal Gear collection (with Twin Snakes!) and also Final Fantasy collection
Ive heard it was the backwards compatibility chipset that was the one overheating and fucking up the original ps3 systems which is why they've been removed from the slims.
Ive heard it was the backwards compatibility chipset that was the one overheating and fucking up the original ps3 systems which is why they've been removed from the slims.

That's a possibility I guess , but it sounds more like a convenient excuse for them to remake the PS2 games in HD and charge us for them again lol