I just picked up Playstation Plus service on PSN for the year + 3 months. Anyone else got it? Just curious what people think of it. I think it's a pretty good value , I got Wipeout HD free , which is normally 20 bucks , along with a cool free theme and some add on packs like Warhawk that I didn't have.Also got Rally Cross PS1 game (5.99) and Age of Zombies mini game. I paid 53.99 or something with tax , and I already got about $40 or more in value from it. Also cool that it pushes demos and updates to your system and can turn it on to install them so I don;t have to be bothered with that shit when I just wanna play. They are supposed to have 1 free new psn game , 1 free mini game and 1 free ps1 game every month to download. I also like the 1 hour free trial of full games , I downloaded Infamous and played it for a while. I like how any trophies you unlock , and your progress , is saved for if you pick up the full game later.
I just can;t wait for them to do cross game voice chat and party invites like Xbox Live has

I just can;t wait for them to do cross game voice chat and party invites like Xbox Live has