Please help me guys choosing guitar (floyd rose or not)

Kazrog said:
Get the guitar with the Floyd. Floyds are awesome. Just ask James Murphy, is his tone lacking because of his Floyd usage? How about Chris Amott? Eddie Van fucking Halen??? Get a fucking grip...

Like I said...

elephant-audio said:
I'm not going to say you can't get a badass rhythm tone from a FR equipped guitar, that would be the dumbest thing to say. But, I will say that as far as, and this is all subjective to the listener and what they prefer, TOM bridges are concerned they do *in fact* enable more string+body contact which gives more low-end. As far as that being "better" than a Floyd, I can't say that, I can prefer that though. To my knowledge most people want a thick an beefy rhythm sound that crushes...but you *can* get that with a Floyd.

I'm just referring to the actual physics of how guitars work...a fixed/TOM style bridge will in fact have a beefier sound than the same guitar with a FR. That's just physics, and is irrefutable. And because I prefer a thicker sound, I prefer whatever gives me that.
