Please Read Through All Of This And Send It To Other People

Unlit Flames

Carpathian Crypt
Dec 26, 2001

Critics were right about 2000. The music was going to become so submerged in pop culture it was going to drown itself. And well look what's happened, abs of steel, two ton implants and so many gold chains u could melt them and create 50 new fully stocked fort knox's. Hey, wait a second where are the voices and instruments. If you've ever read Dune you would know what this leads to. The only music that can save us all is sadly, country. That's the only mainstream genre that hasn't changed for the worst. Rap used to be about politics and how terrible the blacks are being treated in New York and Los Angeles. Now the main issues they adress is my women's ain't got not big enuff tities, or my $1.000.000 cadillaK broke down. Punk used to be smart and witty and now we got some perverts running around saying they are punk. Metal is the same. Peope think Linkin Park is hardcore. More like tardcore. All of the premier metal bands are sellouts by forging themselves with their enemies............ Rap. It is a sad time for me to grow up surrounded by all these idiots who complain about the faintest things. Look at movies too, it's been so long since I've seen a movie in movie theaters that made me laugh without having to be racial, against homosexuals, or perverted (which doesn't even make me laugh. But our only hope is actually country, its the only new music that's not completely ripped-off. Believe me i hate more than anything. It's not right for clothing companies to make girls feel so bad about themselves they have to imitate african children who don't have the food. It isn't right for people to display messages everywhere saying "haha i was naturally beautiful and you aren't. Censorship is raging again. 20 years ago Airplane was released and it was PG and it had nudity and sexual referances. Now it would probably be rated R just beacause we see someone the way they were brought into this world.Everyone complains about our economy. But actually, we have one of the best in the world. We were hysteric over September 11, yet we turned ourselves away from the 1,000 Africans who died in an explosion over there. How the hell is that a giving and unified spirit. All man is alike. Not too long ago Congress was thinking about forcing American History X to be changed. That is easily one of the most beautiful movies ever and shows you all about the terror's of rascism. We mourned over the lossed of a 1,000 while 10,000's die everyday from malnutrition. And, yet the great givers of the world have enough food to feed the world. It is a sad day for thwe children to grow up. Being embraced by hatred's grasp they have become so idealistic. After the WTC was bombed my younger sister came home and said to me "my teacher told me that some evil afghans bombed a building." We shouldn't have people like that teaching us. Raging hatebreeders shouldn't teach us our lessons in life. Fortunately my home ec teaher tells us the truth. She got fired for the truth by telling us some reasons why they did that to us. We The Tyrannical States of America have decided to deprive country's of essentials that they need to live through embargos. No wonder they hate this country we are the reason why they people lose theirt parent's their friends and children. Al Gore was asking for medicinal taxes to be made to African countries. If you are unaware Africa has a badass AIDS epidemic that if not fully attacked Africa would be hopeless to rescue in 5 years. Why did this page about why music sucks change into this. Well there is a link. Please send to this more people and fight against the goverment. May the underground revolution be spawned here. Jihad!!!!!!!!! fight against the real enemies the goverment. I am not complaining about what this country has done to me but what they have done to other people.
Get over it :rolleyes:

The feature of this post is 'the mainstream'. The mainstream hasn't 'changed for the worst'... it has always been this bad, plastic princess pop queens and sex appeal. It's been like this since the sixties...

That's what the underground is about, that is why we all have to actually LOOK for good music, rather than having it shoved in our face by the media.

If Mainstream music as actually good, then fine. I wouldn't even be posting here...

"The shoes won't walk themselves" :rolleyes:
Yes your right. But have u noticed that eating disorders, suicide rates, etc. you get the point have gone up. I wasn't as bad as it was in the sixties at least teenagers did something else then seide from football. they tried to make a difference. Now we just sit idly and intent mostly not noticing that hey wait a second this is all fake and just used to make money and degrade us. Yes the mainstream has always been like this but has it ever been this bad. NO!!!!!!! And did 13-15 year olds always believe that shit they fed us. Well some did but so many fuckin kids at my school use Britney Spears and Nsync as their bible. My gradfather is right. This country is full of insufficiently knowledge-fed shitheads
i don't see what's the point of this thread :rolleyes:
i don't know why i even bothered to read through that incoherent patriotic propaganda.. though it is indeed funny to see how you try to "fix" a society as corrupted as USA's using such american methods :D
it's not just mainstream that's fake and plastic is the whole "culture" :lol: it is what manifests in mainstream not the other way around.

by the way, anorexia was quite popular during the 60's with Twiggy's popularity :p

anyway, don't expect me to make sense, i'm tired and not very inspired by this subject.. :rolleyes:

keep your rants out of this forum and let's bury this thread.
Originally posted by Unlit Flames
It is a sad time for me to grow up surrounded by all these idiots who complain about the faintest things.

indeed. :rolleyes:
i find this preaching stereotypes is as much part of the despised mainstream as is listening to britney spears. only, thousands of perfectly harmless boys and girls spend their time trying to shape themselves into their idols' look-alikes without pestering the community with self-consistent propaganda, whereas unlit flames finds compelling to do the same in public. the fact that i don't even know who his idols might be makes it even less funny to read.
if unlit flames tried to turn on his tv just once - making sure he manages to wade undamaged through tons and tons of despicable unethical movies and late nite shows - he would probably notice how there's plenty of ppl ready to share his "oh, what is this world coming to?!?!" catastrophic outlook.
we shouldn't have ppl like that teaching us. ;)

@astarte: you're right and maybe i should have let it pass. but it's a discussion board and some discussing - even these - possibly can't hurt so much.
in the '60s anorexia was quite popular, as you aptly pointed out: in the '70s terrorism was even more popular than it is now. i wonder where all this self-appointed apocalypse messiahs used to post back then. :)

Originally posted by Unlit Flames
It is a sad time for me to grow up surrounded by all these idiots who complain about the faintest things.

And you are doing what?
Case closed!

(damn, people like UF make me happy I don't live in that fucked up country.)
well, the simple fact that it wasn't that much better 40 years ago doesn't make todays situation any better. they have been eradicating the rainforest in 1980 and they're still doing it today, they have been fucking our minds in the 70ties and they're still doing it, they've been persecuting drug users in the 60ties and they're still doing it, they've been lying since politics and power began and they're still doing it.

but does this make it any better ?

think about it, they have learned how to lie more convicingly, how to sell their shit better, they have learned, and we have stagnated.
and with every generation, with ever day we get another chance to open our eyes and understand, to stand up and act, and yet, as they get better and better it gets harder and harder for us to see, to act.
a revolution ? yes, but one in the minds, a revolution of thought, of awareness, of understanding. and indeed the only way we can ever hope to achieve this is be telling the truth, our truth, the many different views and what they all boil down to, the connections and reasons why things happen.

I do not know if it is even possible, but I hope so with all my heart.
Originally posted by TexasFriedCriminal
a revolution ? yes, but one in the minds, a revolution of thought, of awareness, of understanding. and indeed the only way we can ever hope to achieve this is be telling the truth, our truth, the many different views and what they all boil down to, the connections and reasons why things happen.

there have been revolutions since the dawn of time, too. did any of these made things any better? possibly.
as much as thousands of comforts and widespread democracy and fewer chances to die of famine at your front doorsteps are possibly making certain parts of the world somehow better off than they were decades or centuries ago.
i do second the 'nothing changes' theory up to a point, but i still can't see the point in stressing the inherent worseness of ppl fucking up their minds listening to popstars rethoric against the betterness of ppl fucking up their minds listening to fascist leaders. come to think of it, i still like britney spears a tad better, were it just for her looks. if we presume that things are awry as they were awry ages ago, maybe we could focus our attention on something different from blaming whatever unfortunate happenstance might spring to mind (usually for very personal hydiosincratic reasons) and perhaps even address some real issues. if we don't, we just spout repetitive factoids: ppl die, ppl suffer, ppl are unjust towards their fellow human beings, ppl should listen to more country music. what is that supposed to mean? while we monotonously preach rebellion against the united nations of wrongdoers, we still dwell in a childlike state where the only sensible thing we have to oppose all this is, well, country music.
on the other hand, i really don't follow the 'world going down the drain faster' theory, just because of lack of factual evidence of the world going anywhere else than where it was going in the past. even in the middle ages there were ppl ready to moan the downhill direction of ethics and values in their (limited) world... where exactly shall we place in time the golden age of mankind, then? neanderthal man? the garden of eden? to me, it seems silly to think our species may have changed so radically because of some mainstream culture and crappy music, that we may have lost some precious gift of honesty and trueness because of ppl happily cutting down trees.

Firstly, I must say I'm disagree with the "world crackin', exploding and falling down in a non-chupi way" (could it be chupi, anyway?). And Rahvin is right (what an unusual fact) when he says the world isn't worse than it was in the past. Realize that the world is improving in its quality of life. It means you could live more years than ppl who lived in the past century, in better conditions. Neither more, nor less.

I like so much the phrase that said God of Emptiness: "The shoes won't walk themselves". And absolutely agree with that "thought revolution" TexasFriedCriminal talked about. The fact we're living the best times ever is pecisely a good plataform to fix the human mistakes. Any comparison with the past times is wrong, I assure you in the 60's didn't live better.

Even though, times has changed. And the morals of past decades are different too, some parts are obsolete, others just different. It's so difficult to break with the collective morals you was born sorrounded of, and learned about. The patriotic sense in USA is widely known, and I find so right the fact our american friend who started this thread reckon about the problems of the society he's living in.

Concerning the music, there are three available ways to go through: You can choose the fashion way and listen to popstars and they adventures, you can choose the underground metal/rap/country or whatever that, if maybe haven't a comercial success, exist and do their job so well. Or just take the best of both and make your own synthesis.

Think you and your problems (individual and collective) are subjective things in the world,buuuuut pieces of the puzzle too. And please, avoid the "Jihad" if possible.

@TexasFriedCriminal: In the past women cannot vote, and now they do it. In the past black ppl lived in an apartheid, and now they are so integrated. In the past only the rich men studied at the university, and now the education system is more opened. The times can change, and will do with or without us.

|ngenius (Worldchanger)
You are posting this crap here too?!

Damn it i stopped checking mail completly to get rid off the goddamn chain mails then you wanna start a new kind of chain, the board chain!!?

you fucking :Spam: er!
i wonder where all this self-appointed apocalypse messiahs used to post back then.

in the Olympic Game forums?? ;)

now, as the topic follows...well I won't even try to get in the subject itself....Just few flicks inside....
actually music, even being extremely important for some of us, is not something we should worry about, at least on an apoliptical vision. No, the world won't explode 'cause ppl listen to Britney. In the past it was more or less the same, but much less bands contributed to the "underground" movement (or at least they were so underground I never came to those)..look at Julio Iglesias :eek:
Now we live better....uhmm well depends, WE surely do...others don't. May be it's that more people live better than in the past and less people live much worse....who knows.
I don't know where this heads to....but I've always been pesimistic about human beings....and I'm quite sure we're digging our way to self destruction....or may be I listened too many times Countdown To Extinction....
all are gone all but one

fathervic (if only we had an Azirafel and a Crowley here)
First of all i got this as an e-mail but didnt have a chance to put that down. And why????????? well did it piss you off or annoy you that you read so much jargon. I guess the sender wanted me to do that and i hope i succeeded.
Let's just say. I have a younger brother anarchists who has no idea what he's doing and well i forgot to logout.
@fathervic: i'd settle for my anathema device anytime. :D

@unlit flames: if i got your point right that stuff you posted here was:
- by no means a product of your brains;
- posted as an act of obediance to a mysterious sender;
- written down just to piss us off;
- surrounded by remarks of your whole politically-diversified family.

now, were you trying to win the prize for moron of the year even though we're still in march or are you expecting a clap? why didn't you start another 'dark tranquillity suck' thread, then? they're the funniest and your younger brothers would probably agree.

Originally posted by Unlit Flames
First of all i got this as an e-mail but didnt have a chance to put that down. And why????????? well did it piss you off or annoy you that you read so much jargon. I guess the sender wanted me to do that and i hope i succeeded.

if that is indeed your reason, you are poster numero dos (2!!!) of "I like to create idiotic threads for no reason to stir up shit" good job skippy.........:lol:
The starting post reminds me of the bridge place I go to. Post it over there or elsewhere to get a really good flame war going... if that was the point of posting this, you did not accomplish your mission... :D
Originally posted by |ngenius
I find so right the fact our american friend who started this thread reckon about the problems of the society he's living in.

Aaaaaarghhhh, he didn't!!!

|ngenius (feeling he talked to the wall... or... maybe the wall has more intellectual capacity, so excuse me Mr. Wall).
well shit happens.....
it happened to me quite a lot.....I normally don't log out, and my dog (yeah, the one I don't have) started barking anyone in the forum....hopefully there's no milkmen here!!!

@rahvin: :lol: (good omens should be a must_read to everybody in shchool!!!!!)
Originally posted by FatherVic
well shit happens.....
it happened to me quite a lot.....I normally don't log out, and my dog (yeah, the one I don't have) started barking anyone in the forum....hopefully there's no milkmen here!!!

:lol: :lol:

i don't usually log out either, so the whole library where i work at might one day show up with silly requests (have you brought back the books we loaned you last month? :( )
