POD HD300 short clips.

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
So I've been sitting with the HD300 for an hour. And as I expected it sounds pretty similar to older Pods. But I'm going to spend more with it in the weekend and probably dial in a better direct tone.

I bet that it will sound pretty awesome when hooked up to a cab and poweramp. It's going to be perfect when I go to germany to play and just bring this small baby along with my Crate powerblock. But I will probably never use it to record anything direct. The impulses are just ass.

Anyway here are some direct sounds:




Added some more. These are played through Guitarhack Sneap impulse:




Presets can be found here:
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Yeah... kinda flubby in the low-end.. not sure why. I quite like the basic tones though.. I'm more sure it can be dialed in to sound really good after hearing these though. Personally, it already sounds miles better and miles more like a real amp+cab than the XT/X3/Podfarm 2 does.
Would love to hear some double tracked stuff in a mix, and any comments on the feel would be awesome! Does it 'feel' more real, like the Axe does, or is it still pretty static like the old POD's?
I just compared your clips to my POD 2.3 sound (I've been using that one exclusively for practicing and recording any ideas for years).

I'm totally sold, I'll buy a POD HD right tomorrow.
Not to record albums with or whatever, but to seriously upgrade my practicing experience at home.

I mean, the POD HD actually has some kind of highend! It actually sounds like they at least TRIED to model those amps this time around!
The ubershall sounds great , what cab-mic was that? did you add any of the eq´s on board ? it seems like it has a lot of eq choices , i like that.
I like the Uberschall quite a bit. Ola - down on the list of requests, would you mind doing something clean with the Fender and VOX models at some point in time? I'm really starting to GAS a bit and would like to hear what it can do aside from the high gain stuff.

I think if I was to buy one however I'll go for the HD500 simply for the signal flow routing/capabilities it seems to offer over the HD300 or 400.