POD HD300 short clips.

At first listen (on cheap ear buds) these seem to be an improvement over the podxt... The clips don't seem to have that "plastic" sounding midrange that the earlier pods had. The Uber and Recto are the two I like best.

Ola, if you're taking requests, I'd love to hear your real Recto, compared to the AxeFX recto and the HD300 Recto. ;)
Sounds good here!!! Really dig the Fireball clip. I think I'm sold. I need to get one! :D
Want to hear some double and quad tracked clips in a full mix.
Even just a cover song would be rad, if pumping out a new tune is a pain in the butt to do.
The new clips sound so much better, especially the Recto. I can't get the Uberschall to work, though.
uberschall pwns!! Thanks for the clips. not the axe fx but, much better than the older gen pods.
So no POD HD for me yet... decided to go for the HD500 instead after talking with one of the guys at my local store (who also owns an Axe FX).
Unfortunately the 500 was already sold out there, so I have one on order now.
Main reason for changing my mind: better UI.
Turning off the cab simulation is a great example, the guy said it was a piece of cake on the 500, but he had not yet figured it out for the lower models. Apparently the UI just makes much more sense and is actually more intuitive to use on the 500, especially for a BOSS GT10 owner like me.
And I figured I'd rather invest a little more than risk regretting it later because of any missing feature.

Ola, the new clips are definitely a big improvement!
ok there SEEMS that I'm can't bypass the CAB-modelling in the HD300 :( There is a preamp direct feature but the cab and microphones still affect the sound.


Thanks for taking the time for this clips Ola, your clips are always awesome and/or informative.

That little bit of info is a dealbreaker for me...especially when the onboard cab modelling is shoddy. I did like your Uberschall modell though, although boomy (headphones suck)
Thanks for doing these clips!

The uberschall through impulses clip sounds really good to me. Far better than previous pod versions. Too bad about the Cab modelling on the HD 300. I hope they put a plugin out based on the HD series that does allows cab modelling bypass, I would buy that immediately.
Really liked the uberschall.

The rec and fireball sound very much alike (either that or my ears suck bad), had to compare them in Reaper to hear they're not the same. I like the rectifier too, don't like the fireball as much.
How does it feel to play? Disconnected as before or like the AFX?

it feels awesome to play it! no comparison to earlier line6 stuff..
it's dynamic, transparent and responsive as f***!!

that's my impression!

btw (a little OT): any clue when there will be something new from clawfinger? :)