pod users


Jun 25, 2008
is your pod your main interface? or do you go pod > di box> inteface?

cause i have a pod xt and i don't wana use that as my interface i'd rather use my firepod, so wtf do i do haha
Firepods do, PodXT's don't ;) (unless it's the Pro) Just use the left line-out into a line-in on your FP Ryan! (and get all the gain from the Pod's output knob naturally, not the Firepod's gain knob)
I dunno, I've heard of people using RCA cables and that they do in fact work, and the thing with digital data transmission is it either is all there or none of it is! (not like analog where you can have varying qualities of signal) Worth a try anyway, I highly doubt it'd do any harm
It is my understanding that RCA is really a connector that one might have on a variety of cables, including spdif. So "RCA cable" is kind of meaningless. So one couldn't for example, use a non digital cable with an RCA connector, but any digital cable with RCA connecters (basically, spdif) would be fine.

Not sure if this is correct though.
oh dam, well sadly the pod xt pro goes back to my buddy soon D: i was just wondering, i am nailing some okay tone out of it
I used a cheap ass RCA cable for spdif between my podxt and firepod with no problems. I always used the XLR analog output to record, but for reamping I would send the DI through spdif into the podxt and it worked just fine.
I also use a cheapo spdif cable I bought on ebay for 3 quid. Sound is not travelling through a spdif cable, so I think any 75 ohm spidif cable does the trick.