Police in your country (and drugs)


Apr 20, 2003
how is it at your place? what if you carry some weed or a knife or you are lying stoned drunk for 2 days on a street or whatever? what if you drink and drive?

(i think it can be useful information for touring musicians, haha! :D )

Switzerland, Zürich: weed is almost free but still a contravention, ppl smoke it everywhere _on the streets_ at night, easy to buy.
Police cannot be bribed. Almost no crime here so they are a little bit more alert in a way, they shoot to death anyone who is in escaping stealing a car or so, because its forbidden and that simple. In general you can leave your car open with a key inside for days...
To go by 120 at a 100 limit you pay 80€.
Alcohol allowed when driving a car is 0.08% whatever, 1-1.5litre beer.

Hungary: smoking joint is forbidden, takes you to court, if it was no big thing then ppl need to go for 6month to "diversion" classes about why-not-to.. but rules are generally strict, drug dealers, user, etc go to jail for years. No sane ppl smoke any stuff at public places. Not easy to buy (in a shop). As far as i know police can have drug tests as well if they stop a funny driver, and its not a pro. Alcohol allowed for drivers is ZERO.
Police was very easy to bribe but now they have a new regulations, they pay reward for cathing ppl trying to bribe police and even for getting police taking or asking for money and that. Wich literally means that ppl need to bribe police with a higher amount of money than the reward (200€).. :( Speeding (100/120) fee varies, dunno.(dhatura?) If you leave your care locked, with alarm and that, its still likely to disappear.
Dangerously drunk ppl are taken to "hospital" to special care and this kind of sickness is not covered by any social insurance, must be paid.
i would prefer Hollands governmental attitude to allow less - i mean zero tolerance for acts that harm (in lotsa ways) other ppl. tolerance for other things (weed, liberal views on a variety on things) is good about NL, which gives me a sense of freedom that is sometimes lacking in foreign countries i visit.

i just woke up, so i understand i'm not that clear :erk:
There are rumours here that the police will clear Christiania of all drugs. Police chief claims he has only said they could do it if they wanted.
Most of our cops are sunuvabitchiz, some of them are fair though. Laws are becoming more and more restrictive and absurd. And the number of cops in the streets is increasing in an abnormal proportion.
Oh and of course you're not allowed to carry any kind of drugs since it's forbidden here. Marijuana is not legal in France. On the other hand, alcohool and cigarettes are ... What a strange paradox ...
generally drugs aren't allowed. you can have small quantiny for your own use (when you're addicted, not dealer). anywya, police is very touchy in this case. also, if you want drive don't drink more than one beer (btw, our beers are quite strong in comparision with other european beers)
I meant in The Netherlands or in Belgium, Marijuana is legalized or kind of. here it's not. you're not allowed to have even a small quantity for your own use.
cedarbreed said:
Oh and of course you're not allowed to carry any kind of drugs since it's forbidden here. Marijuana is not legal in France. On the other hand, alcohool and cigarettes are ... What a strange paradox ...
money money money - keep the public dependant and thrive on it...
it's all so obvious & hypocritical when you take a close look.
cedarbreed said:
Most of our cops are sunuvabitchiz, some of them are fair though. Laws are becoming more and more restrictive and absurd. And the number of cops in the streets is increasing in an abnormal proportion.
yeah, ppl think with more and more police on the streets, they can bring back that sense of security. it's in their own minds mate, security.
even whole fucking armies on the streets wont make you feel secure - on the contrary: we can all make our society secure if we want to, tho we choose to scare ourselves and always tend to stash the responsibility for that in anotherman's shoes. fuck that.
toolsofthetrade said:
money money money - keep the public dependant and thrive on it...
it's all so obvious & hypocritical when you take a close look.

Don't worry i am totally aware of that. I was just a bit cynical.
yeah, g/L its the same for Austria and France.
its usually 0.5 g/L in Europe and
0.8 in Italy, Switzerland, UK, Ireland
only 0.2 in Sweden, Norway
and 0.8-0.10 in the US.
hungary, estonia, czech.. - 0.000
What a strange topic here... :D

In Belgium, marijuana is still illegal, the Police can take your weed (even the smallest amount of) and write a report... but in case you've got less than 3 grams, you will not have problems later... They also invented the concept of "socially acceptable" smoker... If weed is not a social problem for you, if you don't steal to pay your drug, if you work... then they show tolerance for that...

About alchool, tolerance is about 50 cls of beer... I don't know the exact amount of g/liter, because we use some kind of "scientifical" langage... (gr/l.a.a.e) ;)