"Policitally incorrect words"

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Time to let out some aggression on the PC world. It pisses me off when people get offended by certin words. I mean, it's rediculous that certin people can use them yet others can't. Words like:

my pals - now this is interesting. It's fucking stupid that rappers can get away with it just because their black but get pissed if a white person says it even if it's in a non-offensive mannor.

Faggot - gays dont like it, so fuckin what! fucking rainbow riders get offended because they think it only means a slur. The same goes for queer and words of the like.

Retard - dont get me started on this one. It's mean! Wah wah wah! So there are retards in the world, whoop de fuckin do! It's not like the downers can understand what we're saying anways.
Oblivious Maximus said:
Time to let out some aggression on the PC world. It pisses me off when people get offended by certin words.

Sorry, but why is being pissed at someone who is offended by certain words better than being offended by certain words in the first place? Sounds likes the same type of over-senstivity to me......
ZeeZooZum said:
Sorry, but why is being pissed at someone who is offended by certain words better than being offended by certain words in the first place? Sounds likes the same type of over-senstivity to me......
It's not over-sensativity. Like I said in my first post, I find it to be rediculous that some people have their periods when they hear those words.
Oblivious Maximus said:
Time to let out some aggression on the PC world. It pisses me off when people get offended by certin words. I mean, it's rediculous that certin people can use them yet others can't. Words like:

my pals - now this is interesting. It's fucking stupid that rappers can get away with it just because their black but get pissed if a white person says it even if it's in a non-offensive mannor.

Faggot - gays dont like it, so fuckin what! fucking rainbow riders get offended because they think it only means a slur. The same goes for queer and words of the like.

Retard - dont get me started on this one. It's mean! Wah wah wah! So there are retards in the world, whoop de fuckin do! It's not like the downers can understand what we're saying anways.

All the gays that I know call each other fag and queer as a compliment.

You seem touchy, Oblivious. You should learn to be less offended by the

unimportant things in this world.

Don't sweat the small stuff.
Vinnie Cappuccino said:
Is a Snowman a Fat White guy???

No, American is a Fat White guy.

Let me add some more!

Porch Monkey - My favorite!
Yard Ape
Moon Bunny
Sand my pals
Camel Jockey
Rag Head
White Devil!!
Merry Christmas
Proud Republican
Proud of being white and successful
Wealthy or well to do.
Unsympathetic to lazy minorities (on crack)
Against Welfare
Against Affirmative Blacktion (a racist organization)
W.E.T (White Entertainment Television)
Proud to be an American
and the best one - "I post on the Billy Milano message board"
Buzzard said:
Merry Christmas
Proud Republican
Proud of being white and successful
Wealthy or well to do.
Unsympathetic to lazy minorities (on crack)
Against Welfare
Against Affirmative Blacktion (a racist organization)
W.E.T (White Entertainment Television)
Proud to be an American
and the best one - "I post on the Billy Milano message board"


My new phrase for the new year is salad dodger
johnnieCzech said:
I would probably kind of agree with the others but this?

In america and even here in australia too, people who follow religions other than christianity were having a winge about people using the phrase merry christmas. Apparently they felt marginalised as they do not celebrate christmas. What a fucking joke