Poll: How do you feel about smoking?

POLL: How do you feel about smoking?

  • Yuck! I can't stand smoking./ Never smoked.

    Votes: 26 34.2%
  • I don't smoke but I don't mind if someone does smoke.

    Votes: 21 27.6%
  • I smoked sometimes or I smoke rarely.

    Votes: 8 10.5%
  • I smoke occasionally but not on daily basis.

    Votes: 11 14.5%
  • I smoke like chimney.

    Votes: 10 13.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
well I used to smoke ALOT, but I have to say that it sucks and it is an addiction. AND PEOPLE CAN'T QUIT WHEVEVER THEY WANT TO!!(even if they say they can) fucking liars. But I have manage to kick the habit for the most part, but I'd still love to smokem peace pipe
Well, I don't have anything personal against smokers, but I really do think it is a disgusting habit. I can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke, as my dad used to smoke, but he quit for 3 years, and now I think he is back at is to a lesser degree. Smoking should die.

I would would never date a smoker.
i hate the fact, that smoking harms the lungs of the people who are around the smoker. everyone can hurt themselves all they want for all i care, though.
even more i hate the fact that because of tobacco lots of rainforest is cut down every day and, as we all know, if they keep doing that, and not planting any more forest, this world is going to end.

anyway i have nothing against smokers, except for the fact that they smell, and i kinda understand them cause ciggies do taste quite good sometimes.
I smoke so I have nothing against it
but it does bug me when people take little children or babies into smoking areas cause they can't wait for another 10 minutes or so.
ouagadougou said:
even more i hate the fact that because of tobacco lots of rainforest is cut down every day and, as we all know, if they keep doing that, and not planting any more forest, this world is going to end.
bleeding. heart. liberal. :p

I hate cigarettes, they're a waste of money, completely useless and fucking disgusting. Anyone who thinks they smell or taste good should be shot. :) among many others who deserve a similar fate.

And remember, I'm not an advocate of death... the thought just makes me kinda happy. :Spin: