Poll: How do you feel about smoking?

POLL: How do you feel about smoking?

  • Yuck! I can't stand smoking./ Never smoked.

    Votes: 26 34.2%
  • I don't smoke but I don't mind if someone does smoke.

    Votes: 21 27.6%
  • I smoked sometimes or I smoke rarely.

    Votes: 8 10.5%
  • I smoke occasionally but not on daily basis.

    Votes: 11 14.5%
  • I smoke like chimney.

    Votes: 10 13.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I hate smoking and I hate inconsiderate assholes who smoke indoors.

Strangely, though, the smell of most cigarrettes' smoke doesn't bother me, it's the breath of the smokers afterwards. Bleeaaacch.
yeah, I never leave the house either and you don't see anything wrong with me...


LuminousAether said:
I smoke cigarettes when I am drinking sometimes. There's a simple reason. Drinking and smoking goes together, like peanut butter and jelly. Like wanking and porn.

Stating otherwise is illadvised.

That's a kick-ass analogy :Spin:

Pancakes said:
I hate it. Hate it. Hate it.

When I was a kid, I was allergic to cigarette smoke. Did this stop either of my parents from smoking? No. After a little while, my Dad just started smoking outside, but my Mom didn't fucking care. These days, I ain't allergic to it, and I don't really care about people smoking near me if it was just a health issue. Everything can kill you these days.

What I hate about people smoking near me is the goddamn smell. IT SMELLS LIKE SHIT PEOPLE. That's why I don't like smokers. Bugger health, the smell makes me fucking gag.

Only allergic? You didn't get asthma? I did. My ex-step-dad smoked in the house all the time, I was breathing cigarette smoke all but two minutes a day. One morning I just woke up--I was sleeping on the couch as I recall, and my mother was beside me--and started gasping for air frantically. I seriously thought I was going to die because I was having a terrible time pulling oxygen into my lungs and it was hurting me to breath so heavy. I was only about 8 or 9 years old.

That was my first asthma attack, and I think I had maybe one or two more after that ever... then I faked one to get out of a bad situation in school and that's the end of my asthma problem :p I still technically have asthma but my body's stronger now so only time it appears is when I start to wheeze from exerting myself somehow, but even that happens rarely.

Oh and from that post I can totally see why you think your mom's such a big piece of turdcumpie :loco: hehe
I think smoking is one of the stupidest habits you could ever aquire, which is saying a lot since most habits/addictions themselves are usually bad.

That said, if you wanna smoke, fine by me. I'm not gonna go all Nazi and say you can't do it around me.
GreatPhoenix said:
Only allergic? You didn't get asthma? I did. My ex-step-dad smoked in the house all the time, I was breathing cigarette smoke all but two minutes a day. One morning I just woke up--I was sleeping on the couch as I recall, and my mother was beside me--and started gasping for air frantically. I seriously thought I was going to die because I was having a terrible time pulling oxygen into my lungs and it was hurting me to breath so heavy. I was only about 8 or 9 years old.

That was my first asthma attack, and I think I had maybe one or two more after that ever... then I faked one to get out of a bad situation in school and that's the end of my asthma problem :p I still technically have asthma but my body's stronger now so only time it appears is when I start to wheeze from exerting myself somehow, but even that happens rarely.

Oh and from that post I can totally see why you think your mom's such a big piece of turdcumpie :loco: hehe

Yeah, I had athsma, too. I had to use one of those puffer things for a long time. God that thing tasted like shit...around that time I went to the hospital something like twelve times in one month (due to the asthma, breaking my nose and a couple of other things).

And still my Mom smoked in the house. The only place I was safe from it was in my room with the door closed, or outside.
i don't have a problem with people smoking. It's their choice. the only thing i get irritated about is when people walk by and just blow a cloud of smoke right where you are standing... i usually just move if i see someone smoking a cigarrette coming by.

I used to live in a house with four chain smokers, got asthma because of it and still have it even though i don't live with any smokers anymore... ugh. i hate having to take the inhalers, they taste like cardboard.