Poll: How do you feel about smoking?

POLL: How do you feel about smoking?

  • Yuck! I can't stand smoking./ Never smoked.

    Votes: 26 34.2%
  • I don't smoke but I don't mind if someone does smoke.

    Votes: 21 27.6%
  • I smoked sometimes or I smoke rarely.

    Votes: 8 10.5%
  • I smoke occasionally but not on daily basis.

    Votes: 11 14.5%
  • I smoke like chimney.

    Votes: 10 13.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I just recently 'quit'...using '' marks cos I still smoke when I'm drinking, but after smoking heavily last weekend while downing some beer something went wrong and I've spent the whole week coughing up flem...so I think I'll just stop it altogether now, which is easy enough for me to do from this position.
I very much dislike smoking. People who start because of peer pressure or to look cool are utterly pathetic.
I smoke like a chimney :(

As I have gotten older, I learned to understand and respect the non smokers' rights regarding public smoking. Just leave me in peace, I know what they will probably do to me.
I started smoking cuz I was afraid of getting cancer from second hand smoke. :)

But that second hand smoke thing isn't as bad as the American Cancer Society first said. They actually had to retract a lot of statements after more research came out.

I smoke about 3 packs a week. Tried to quit many times but I really don't want to quit yet so that's probably why it doesn't work. I respect non smokers opions and what not about the whole smoking in public thing. Well, except for bars but that's a whole nother issue. But what really bugs me is when non smokers get all pissy about people who smoke and say they're stupid, etc. Especially when they smoke weed and get drunk. Those people are morans. ;)
FrostGiant said:
Especially when they smoke weed and get drunk. Those people are morans. ;)


...but anyway. As I say, I think it makes more sense to smoke weed or get drunk, but that's just me.

Don't think it's justification for insults, as that'd still be pretty hypocritical.

I do think it's pretty fucking stupid to get so pissed you pass out and wake up somewhere else cause your friends are jokers and find this FUNNY.
Well, depending on how often. weekly would be pretty stupid...

Ignore this. I'm broken.
i am 1/2 smoker...haha...i enjoy smoking sometimes but i would never get the idea to smoke when i am alone...for me it's kind of a group thing. lately i avoided smoking because my hair stink awful after smoking...that sucks..
I love that pic. And I get quite drunk at times, but never to the point where I don't know what I'm doing. And I should at least quit smoking in the apt. It stinks it up something fierce.
Maharet said:
I hate how alot of non-smokers act like smokers run over their kittens repeatedly and say that all smokers are assholes, cunts, [insert insult here], etc...Well i always tell those people to fuck off and die...Its someones choice...leave them alone for christs sake!

I agree totally on this one.The same with vegetarians flaming meat eaters as if we were flaming vegetarians all day.
But back on topic,yes it's a personal choice and it's your own body you fuck up,but then the problem of second hand smoking comes.
That's why I always ask people if they mind if I smoke or I smoke outdoors where at least the smoke is not filling up the place making everyone complain about smokers.
That's why I always ask people if they mind if I smoke or I smoke outdoors where at least the smoke is not filling up the place making everyone complain about smokers.
>>that'sjust the right way...i mean i understand that it disturbs ppl. it's just about tolerance from both sides...
smoking is pretty much gross. smoking should not be allowed inside anywhere, unless people want to do it in their own homes or whatev. however ill admit to indulging in a little P-O-T now and then, not to mention the occasional fag cig (vanilla or cloves), but seriously, as a regular "habit" (i.e. addition)... um, gross. sometimes, when youre hot for a smoker, you gotta make out with them anyway, but they should really brush their teeth and wash their hands first plz.
I hate it. Hate it. Hate it.

When I was a kid, I was allergic to cigarette smoke. Did this stop either of my parents from smoking? No. After a little while, my Dad just started smoking outside, but my Mom didn't fucking care. These days, I ain't allergic to it, and I don't really care about people smoking near me if it was just a health issue. Everything can kill you these days.

What I hate about people smoking near me is the goddamn smell. IT SMELLS LIKE SHIT PEOPLE. That's why I don't like smokers. Bugger health, the smell makes me fucking gag.