POLL..... your recording/mixing seesion software

What's your choice multitracking software ?

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Was wondering when that would happen.

Reaper's nice, and free, but for now I'm using a second-hand copy of Cubase SX because it didn't cost me much.

I've heard a lot of good things about Logic Pro... but if we're limited to non-Apple infrastructure, that will sadly not work. (*Sniff*.)

Just switched to Sonar from Cubase SX. Sonar is a little cumbersome compared to Cubase but the features are better. My favorite is applying effects groups offline to save CPU. In Cubase, you have to do one at a time and it is slower than hell.
the only daw i've found as easy as audition is pro tools, and audition is pretty lacking compared to PT. Cubase seems to have a lot of cool shit about it but its got a hard learning curve.

oh yeah btw Reason is a midi sequencer, not a daw.
DSS3 said:
I *love* Logic Pro 7 - other people around here hate it. Find what you're most comfortable with on your platform of choice and go for it.

Logic is the shit. It should be on that list! I've went from PC+SX3 to Mac+LogicPro7 and I'm really happy!
No, but it's not terrible either. I use nuendo for almost everything now BUT I still go back to audition for mixing vocals. It's lacking in features but it's been vst compatible for a bit now and nothing I've tried is quite as easy for single .wav editing. If I had the cash I'd give wavelab or something similar a go but audition is what I happen to have and I already know it inside out. Am I the only one who feels nuendo/cubase somewhat lacks in that department? It's much better for multitrack editing for the record.
I use Sonar 4PE, being a PC only software takes sense, it's stable enough.
Midi editing on it is wonderful, and the audio things are ok.
I loved Logic, but Apple bought it and no more Logic on windows...
Logic seems to be the one a lot of engineering courses use where I live - I've never used it though.

When I started I tried Cubase and Sonar (can't remember what versions, it may have still been Cakewalk Pro thinking about it), and I just found Sonar a lot easier to use.

I did some mixing a couple of weeks ago and the band sent me Cubase projects - and I found that not only were some things I do in Sonar impossible in Cubase, but pretty much everything was more long-winded and time consuming. I gave up in the end and exported everything into Sonar.

On my setup Sonar seems a little bit more resource friendly too, which is a huge plus-point for me - I managed to record my band's demo on a 1Ghz CPU/256Mb RAM PC with Sonar, when Cubase started dropping out just running the drum tracks. The difference isn't as big now I've upgraded everything, but I still find that Sonar is touch more efficient.

i've tought nuendo/cubase and Logic and worked with PT as well.
PT is pretty cool, but in my opinion harder to learn and PT sux with midi, what i hate about PT is that they want to tell me what hardware to use....damn, i want to use whatever converter I WANT!!!

Logic is cool with midi and has got incredibly good plugins....you can sidechain everything easily and the quality of the plugins ir very cool, too.
but working with logic is a little bit like working with

and in logic is way complexer to setup your environment for ex. (talking 'bot logic 6).

that's why i love cubase sx/nuendo...
i can creqate a new track whereever i want and don't have to fuck for hours with new objects, their purpose and names in the environment and still don't have them setup in the arrange etc...

when you create somethin in cubase main window it's also in the mixer and ready to go, you don't have to assign it from fuck to hell.
i know, you logic-head will tell: "NO, it's easy as fuck".. but you've created your environment....coming to another logic user, who's set it up completely differently would make you curse him.

in cubase i can work at any studio that's got cubase or nuendo, and all that's different might be my shortcuts.

plus i think cubasesx / nuendo is very easy and fast, cool group-features etc.
the cubase plugins suck, though......Logics and PT's plugins are way better, but most of us are working with waves or similar bundles anyway.
cubase/nuendo sucks in sidechaining!

i think there's not really a "best" software, they all have got their advantages and disadvantages, depending on what you need.

regarding sound (yes, different software does sound different, due to different algorithms etc) nuendo sounds best, followed by PT and Logic sounds the worst (of this 3).
but hey, that's nuances, there's more important stuff......

but it's still interesting, when you've got the possibility compare nuendo and logic soundwise, you'll be amazed!!
LSD-Studio said:
i've tought nuendo/cubase and Logic and worked with PT as well.
PT is pretty cool, but in my opinion harder to learn and PT sux with midi, what i hate about PT is that they want to tell me what hardware to use....damn, i want to use whatever converter I WANT!!!

with a spdif cable you can use any converter you want.