Just Another Member
Dec 17, 2011
What's up guys,

Never done a Punk Band in the style of Simple Plan, maybe a little harder.
Does anybody have a good Ampsim + Cab Combination as a starting point?

I tried Lecto, orange channel with multiple cabs (gods cab, etc...)

I guess that I am a little scarred of the Gain setting cause I tend to overdo it..

Thanks in advance
You could probably get something quite workable out of Lecto. Hybrit would be a good shout too if you want something more Marshall-y. You'd probably be surprised how many punk bands use the rectifier head & cab though. Try less gain and more mids than you would on metal stuff.
thanks for that quick reply already. I think my problem is dealing with the lower Gain and not liking it on it's own. Does anybody have some positive experiences with specific cab impulses that they used for a guitar sound like that?

Any hints are very much appreciated.

P.S. Why I am asking you guys? Cause this is the best fucking forum on the planet.
Ive used the orange channel in vintage mode on the lecto, gain at about 9 oclock with ts999 in front with a lot of success.
thanks guys for all the good info so far. I think I'll stick with Lecto - orange - vintage and the orange cab from mickrich. I'll post a an soundexample as soon as I have something that I like.