Pope John Paul 2

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I really could care less..... I hate the catholic church.... im not going into why all the many reasons why BUT I dont hate the ppl :) some of my best friends are catholics I just hate the church
He didn't do anythign wrong. Old people gotta die. I have nothign against him or the catholic church. I do tend to hate alot of people that attend church though. Hypocrites.
The next Pope won't be able to speak 7 different languages..

What a shame!
the new pope probably will not speak 7 languages or play 250 sports or be bullet proof or an all around overaccomplished super human, but at least we can hope he can move more than a plant over a week... maybe... not that i'd lose any sleep over it anyway
bodomite said:
I really could care less..... I hate the catholic church.... im not going into why all the many reasons why BUT I dont hate the ppl :) some of my best friends are catholics I just hate the church

Like 99% of South Americans, I was raised a Catholic, but as I grew older I became very, very disillusioned with the church and its contradictions, fanatism, meddling, etc. I still believe in 'God' but I don't call Him any names from any organized religion, don't go to mass, nor believe in any prophets or Popes, or anything like that. I pity people's fanatism with the Pope, even, although I guess it's due to the people's own stupidity/gullibility rather than the man himself.

That being said, I think your signature is utterly stupid.
i don't hate him, the only thing that pisses me off is that theres so much coverage of his death and every station has something about it. they should just let him rest in peace and see if god really is real.. or if what he's been doing most of his life is a lie.
although I dont care about faith and do not understand the idea of church I admire the pepe, hes the only man that proofs that faith is something more than just catolics church way of making money...
Karol Wojtyla became old, we knew he will die some day... but its sad anyway
BodomiC said:
I admire the pepe

me too man

pepe rulez

That Pope was the most conservative for centuries. True he spoke a bunch of languages and was rather open towards other religions, but his views on women's rights and AIDS among other things are the direct cause of the death of millions of people. I would say it's a good thing for mankind he's dead now, except that the ones most likely to suceed him are far far worse... The fight is not over yet...
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