Porcupine Tree, anyone?

I'm a huge Porcupine Tree fan... I primarily like the last 3 albums the best, though I've slowly learned to appreciate the bizarre early work as well. "In Absentia" is a bit of a mixed bag, I think. There are some of PT's greatest songs (Blackest Eyes, Trains, Sound of Muzak, .3, etc)... and also some stuff I really don't care for. My favorite PT album is "Stupid Dream". Some of my favorite songs include those I already listed from "In Absentia", "The Rest Will Flow", "Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled", "Buying New Soul", "Even Less", "Pure Narcotic", "A Smart Kid", "Stop Swimming", "Sever", "Fadeaway", "Nine Cats".
"Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth..." it's friggin' amazing!!! I heard that song live (on some broadcast) and what Steven said on the introduction (something like "oh, they didn't commit suicide, they just transcended to a higher state of mind") I think it was great...

The first time I heard "Blackest Eyes" I thought: "Oh my God, this is amazing!" And that song got me... :cool:

I like every song on IA (even "the creator has a mastertape") and on the previous albums... well, "Even Less" it's a classic, untouchable. "Lightbulb Sun" has a cool electric riff... and "Tinto Brass" is great!
Porcupine tree and adagio both were introduced to me in the same way: fans hyped it like it was the next coming of christ, so I was let down both times. I don't really have any interest in PT, because everyone said they were like a mild opeth (me thinks damnation pt 2) but nope.
Lisa (SymX's webmistress) turned me on to In Absentia, as she's a big PT fan, & I love it..looking to expand my PT collection now :)
Porcupine Tree are one of my favorite bands, I think Steven Wilson is one of the best songwriters in the business as of this moment. In Absentia is an excellent album, I can't think of a song from there I don't care for, and they incorporate heavier elements quite well (thank you Mikael!). I'd say all the albums since Sky Moves Sideways are well worth hearing and highly rewarding.

Templar: If I'm not mistaken, the lyrics to Drown With me are on the official site.
Porcupine Tree is simply amazing!!!! I agree with Demon 100%! Steve Wilson is a musical genius and now all he has to do is reform Pink Floyd with Gilmour :) Wait, I didn't say that...oh no here comes Roger Waters....eeeeekkkkkk :)

Cheers, Tony
Fantastic band, one of the greats of all-time in my opinion. In Absentia is very good and worthy of the praise that it receives, but I actually like their older work even more. My favorite song of their's currently is "Darkmatter" from the Signify album.

Btw, if you like Porcupine Tree, check out this new thing called Blackfield. Steven Wilson is involved with it and it does sound a lot like PT. Blackfield has one album which is brand new, called "Hello".
I think Porcupine Tree is a brilliant band. It's very rare that I like every single song on an album, but it certainly is the case for me with PT's In Absentia! There are so many highlights on that album that it's hard to name even one. I have just started listening to their previous albums, and I already like what I hear. Looking forward to their new album this year.
ErikSchierboom said:
I think Porcupine Tree is a brilliant band. It's very rare that I like every single song on an album, but it certainly is the case for me with PT's In Absentia! There are so many highlights on that album that it's hard to name even one. I have just started listening to their previous albums, and I already like what I hear. Looking forward to their new album this year.

I feel the same. I mean, In Absentia was (is) my first Porcupine Tree, and I friggin' love it from start to finish!!!

Lightbulb Sun and Stupid Dreams are good, too. I like what I hear (A smart kid = pwningness, Even Less = pwningess, Lightbulb Sun = pwningness) a lot, although there are some songs that I'm still trying to dig (shesmovedon, for example).