Porcupine Tree

amaranth said:
I find that I can listen to every song on deadwing without skipping, but I can't with IA, I have to be in the right mood to go through all the songs....

Same goes for me. In my opinion there are songs who simply doesn't fit. (Lips Of Ashes, Wedding Nails)

amaranth said:
Are many people here into early PT? Coz it's rather different!!!

Have a listen to The sky moves sideways... great stuff

Yes, but I prefer the new PT albums. The two parts of the title song are just boring. My favourite on TSMS is MTYS...I think I should give the album some more listenings.
I'm just getting into Porcupine Tree. I have Signify and Lightbulb Sun, and I ordered Deadwing and In Absentia the other day. They should arrive sometime this week, so after listening through them both thoroughly, I'll be able to decide.... :Spin:

OK, now that I have thoroughly listened to both... I must say that the riffs/songs in Deadwing are much more interesting and catchy. It justs seems tighter. BTW, Mike doesn't contribute much at all... :P
^ I hope that your lightbulb sun is a real copy!

@ porcupine wolfff:
Yes, the moon touches your shoulder is def a highlight.... if you have the re-release which includes stars die, a song not included on the original, this is also another best I think.

Give the two phases another listen, maybe at bedtime - it's good music to sleep/rest too. That prob doesn't make people want to listen to it, but I hope you know what I mean!
Early PT is great! My favorites will always be IA and LS though, unless Steven tops himself. Deadwing has some great tracks on it, but those two have more great tracks. imo they are perfect start to end.
all hail sky moves sideways alternate version and moonloop improvisation :rock:

btw, i prefer IA over DW...

however i like arriving somewhere but not here and deadwing as much as any song off of IA...just not as many great songs on deadwing as on IA.

had fun talking to stephen after the show about sky moves sideways album and the then upcoming ghost reveries. really cool guy.
amaranth said:
Yes, the moon touches your shoulder is def a highlight.... if you have the re-release which includes stars die, a song not included on the original, this is also another best I think.

Actually, while Stars Die was indeed left out of the very first pressing, on the US release of the album (long before the 2 cd remaster) it was included. This version had 10 tracks, not 6, TSMS phases 1 & 2 divided up into smaller songs (also why on Signify there are parts of TSMS with alternate names) - http://www.porcupinetree.com/discography.details.cfm?albumid=51 . I seem to remember that this grated on SW though, he wanting to only include it on the bonus disc in the remaster, not tarnishing the proper album/breaking up the flow.

Oh, and id say that Deadwing is a stronger album than IA, if only because i love the rock and roll aspect of it, the energy throughout every song. Halo is its only weak point in my eyes. IA is great too, but several songs (Wedding Nails, Strip The Soul, Collapse The Light Into Earth) never really did it for me. TSMS is better than IA. Signify is probably on par.

One last thing; Voyage 34 is a full length album, but this is only the re-release. Originally it was only phases one and two, and went for 30mins (approx); phases three and four came later.
blasphemy! actually i forgot about halo, thats probably my fav song off that record as of now...i didnt like it at first, but it really grew on me. something about the vibe of it...the intro is just cool as hell. the bass line and drums rule.
the_3_toed_sloth said:
Actually, while Stars Die was indeed left out of the very first pressing, on the US release of the album (long before the 2 cd remaster) it was included. This version had 10 tracks, not 6, TSMS phases 1 & 2 divided up into smaller songs (also why on Signify there are parts of TSMS with alternate names) - http://www.porcupinetree.com/discography.details.cfm?albumid=51 . I seem to remember that this grated on SW though, he wanting to only include it on the bonus disc in the remaster, not tarnishing the proper album/breaking up the flow.

Oh, and id say that Deadwing is a stronger album than IA, if only because i love the rock and roll aspect of it, the energy throughout every song. Halo is its only weak point in my eyes. IA is great too, but several songs (Wedding Nails, Strip The Soul, Collapse The Light Into Earth) never really did it for me. TSMS is better than IA. Signify is probably on par.

One last thing; Voyage 34 is a full length album, but this is only the re-release. Originally it was only phases one and two, and went for 30mins (approx); phases three and four came later.

Those lucky yanks.... anywho, very true what you're saying, I think in the Stars Die: The delerium years compilation the band, or Steven, made a comment that he (they) regretted not including it on the album, that at the time it didn't seem to fit

It's one of my pt favs