Porcupine Tree

Yeah, I already saw that. Great gig, especially Trains, ASBNH, TSOSB and Radioactive Toy are live superbe. :)
I really like that the band plays live gigs without shoes. ;)
porcupine_wolfff said:
Yeah, I already saw that. Great gig, especially Trains, ASBNH, TSOSB and Radioactive Toy are live superbe. :)
I really like that the band plays live gigs without shoes. ;)

I thought it was just Steven who plays without shoes.

Agree with the tracks above, though I also thought 'Futile' and 'Mother And Child Divided' were excellent. It's all good really! :grin:
worldwide_suicide said:
are you talking to me?

You know what I realized? When Steve Wilson plays live, he really doesn't play much guitar, unlike Mike. Mike is one crazy soab. To be able to play like that ... and to growl and sing along WHILE playing rythym like that... ugh... Mike is just to talented. Even though Steve Wilson is amazing. Mike > Steven is what I'm saying, but not by a huge margin.
I listened to both albums today. Both are great, but I would prefer In Absentia. Deadwing is kinda boring sometimes and I think that I hate Glass Arm.
Hey Darkness, To answer your ?-- Voyage 34 is I'm preety sure an album proper. But, Staircase Infinities is an EP there are 5 tunes on it. You reminded me that SI is maybe my favorite from this band. Cloud Zero and Yellow Hedgegrow Dreamscape are just amazing. All together there is 30.00 minutes of music on SI. Just a tip, don't buy the SI EP separetly, you can get the remaster on "Up the Downstair." for 13.99 at Amazon last I looked. A good investment for this is a physcadelic masterpiece IMO. Peace.:grin:
great avatar there, amaranth =)
Don Corleone said:
great avatar there, amaranth =)

A fan of Lizard? Great music! :)

Sorry for hijacking thread.... back to porcupine tree...

Here is the confession, PT are my fav band over Opeth... anywho
Yeah, PT is also in my top 5 (along with Camel, Jethro Tull, Disillusion and another band, nobody knows on this board)
And I heard The Sky Moves Sideways today again. (yes, I have the two CD-edition) TSMS is good, very good althought part 1 and 2 of the title song are too long. But the Moonloop EP is just amazing. Stars Die, Improvisation and Coda - great songs. :)

btw: I like In The Court... better than Lizard. ;)
I prefer moonloop coda, just because it's shorter.

c'mon, who is this other band... and we'll pretend to know them and be music nazi's
amaranth said:
c'mon, who is this other band... and we'll pretend to know them and be music nazi's
serious? :tickled:

the other band is represented by a man who sings/growls, plays guitar, played bass on one album, played mellotron on another album, produced albums and writes almost every song on his own. he is often compared with jesus. :grin:
well, i'm sure you don't know the person and the band. :Spin:
amaranth said:
I prefer moonloop coda, just because it's shorter.

c'mon, who is this other band... and we'll pretend to know them and be music nazi's

Uhhh, you do know that moonlop coda is just the end bit of moonlop, put as a seperate song for those who do not want to sit through the entire thing, right? That's what 'coda' means. Awesome song though.