Possible Bodom video on MTV2 UK

Aug 18, 2003
Northwich, UK
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I was just watching MTV2 (im in the uk) and theres a new program starting this tuesday that showcases new music. It said its showing new music from america, all the usual places and HELSINKI. Now Bodom being one of the biggest bands in Finland i think they may be showing one video. Just a guess like, but i think you want to check it out just in case.

Im not really sure what to think about it, if it does show one though. I don't know about you guys but ive always been happy with Bodom being and staying one of the biggest underground bands. It seems in the coming years they may be getting pretty big, with all these tours there doing and TV appearences.
Yeah, i aint gonna watch it either, just letting people know who really want to see a vid of theirs. Personally i wasnt too impressed when they showed an Arch Enemy video for the first time. But I guess bands get bigger, what can you do eh?. :erk:
carpenter83 said:
I really doubt that MTV show Bodom's videos... At least MTV Nordic doesn't show any metalvideos execpt HIM if that is counted as metal... :bah:

MTV 2 is a preodminantly Nu Metal chanel we have here (unless its changed since i last watched it a year ago)....
So what if Bodom videos are shown on TV, it doesn't affect their music in any way, it's just making them successful. There's nothing wrong with success.
Bodom is a lot more popular than they and most of their fans think... I used to be the -only- one around here who knew about them (that I knew of, that is), and now more than half of the new metalheads I meet have heard of them (and most of them like Bodom, at least some of their songs)... I had a little to do with spreading the word but I couldn't have made that much of a difference.
Stun said:
Bodom is a lot more popular than they and most of their fans think...

That's how it is where I live. A lot of people didn't know who I was talking about whenever I mentioned Children of Bodom but now they're pretty popular here. I even see little thirteen year old kids listening to Bodom, lol, which is pretty cool. I think it's great that CoB is more recognized now cuz a great band like them deserves to be.
Day_Before_Dawn said:
I was just watching MTV2 (im in the uk) and theres a new program starting this tuesday that showcases new music. It said its showing new music from america, all the usual places and HELSINKI. Now Bodom being one of the biggest bands in Finland i think they may be showing one video. Just a guess like, but i think you want to check it out just in case.

Im not really sure what to think about it, if it does show one though. I don't know about you guys but ive always been happy with Bodom being and staying one of the biggest underground bands. It seems in the coming years they may be getting pretty big, with all these tours there doing and TV appearences.
...and what about nightwish?
Well, I think that here in Finland CoB have long since reached the popularity that you either love them or hate them. I have had more than a couple of cases where people come to me (in a bar or so) and start bashing to me like "Why in hell are you listening to that Bodom crap? They suck so bad!" And then I'm supposed to give them some good explanations on why I like the band. Anyways, I just usually tell those people to fuck off and mind their own business, since it's really none of their concern if I listen to a band that has been my fav band for many years.
Extendar said:
Well, I think that here in Finland CoB have long since reached the popularity that you either love them or hate them.
Heh, indeed. Some of the metal people here don't really respect COB, maybe because of the popularity they gained, even though they never 'sold out' like some other bands. COB is generally classified here the #1 band of young teenagers who are completely new to metal and claiming it's your favourite band is usually considered more or less a joke.