this may be a solution for camera issues. Create a "press pass", it must be bought, and must be worn inside the venue at all times.
At the time of purchase, the potential camera user states what type of camera he or she uses, passes are automatically denied to those using digital cameras capable of any type of movie recording.
By purchasing a press pass the user is willing to subject themselves to random searches and inspection of digital equipment.
Anyone caught using a camera of any type without a press pass for any reason will be ejected from the venue, anyone caught using someone elses press pass or bringing in unauthorized equipment will be ejected and barred from future events.
It's a thought, 'cause bootlegger's suck and those of us who fancy ourselves as amateur photographers, would like to still be able to bring in our gear.
this may be a solution for camera issues. Create a "press pass", it must be bought, and must be worn inside the venue at all times.
At the time of purchase, the potential camera user states what type of camera he or she uses, passes are automatically denied to those using digital cameras capable of any type of movie recording.
By purchasing a press pass the user is willing to subject themselves to random searches and inspection of digital equipment.
Anyone caught using a camera of any type without a press pass for any reason will be ejected from the venue, anyone caught using someone elses press pass or bringing in unauthorized equipment will be ejected and barred from future events.
It's a thought, 'cause bootlegger's suck and those of us who fancy ourselves as amateur photographers, would like to still be able to bring in our gear.