yeah...animals?? l just don't see the attraction of a lump of (smelly) follow-me-round dog or whatever..or 'independent cat' they all suck.
What breed is that?
I went to the shelter today to look at dogs....boxers are very loyal
No breed. It's a mongrel, but it's like 95% husky. Different eye colors, has an incredible sense of hearing - he can hear an ambulance siren when it's inaudible for humans. I took him from the shelter, I have never had such a playful and friendly dog. Love him.
currently working in Cincinnati.
Tarantulas are addictive. Luckily my guy is on board so that helps. Have four now, including an absolutely beautiful avicularia versicolor spiderling which is going to be a challenge... they like high humidity and high airflow, tricky balance. She's webbing and eating fine so far.
My dude:
Young adult size and coloration:
Full adult colorization:
Although this is the only pic I've seen that vibrant so I'm sure it's excellent photography. Still a very pretty spider.
yeah...animals?? l just don't see the attraction of a lump of (smelly) follow-me-round dog or whatever..or 'independent cat' they all suck.