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why are his nails so long?

pretty much because it’s an absolute battle with him. I used to hold him while my wife did it but now she’s pregnant and too afraid. I’m open to suggestion on how to do it and not get my face eaten. He’s never mean until you try and clip his nails.
pretty much because it’s an absolute battle with him. I used to hold him while my wife did it but now she’s pregnant and too afraid. I’m open to suggestion on how to do it and not get my face eaten. He’s never mean until you try and clip his nails.
im guessing hes not an outdoor dog? Usually they get worn out if they are, especially if hes active. Other than that you have two options, use one of those little dremel tools, and ease into it on the lightest/slowest setting and give him some treats while youre using it. The other option is using one of the traditional nail clippers when hes sleeping, but the hard part there is that his nails are black so you cant really see his quick(blood vessel in the nail). If you try that i suggest taking off very little at a time.
Found these two abandoned and tied to a bench in the park down the street from my house about a year and half ago. My wife insisted we rescue them. They are entertaining but they bark way too often.
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yeah ive always planned on getting two. She's outdoor most of the time and i want her to have a buddy with her.

Heres one of those DogumetnaryTV video on the Gampr but the one he shows here looks kind of small and slender(in comparison to the breed standard).

.. he is also a little off with some of his comments. They dont just "ring the alarm", most of these dogs are literally bred to kill wolves if they put one paw on their territory. Ive been out there and seen these dogs in their natural habitat and know a few breeders. Sometimes they would even bring wolves and use them as bait to prep these dogs which is fucked up to us but these are working dogs and that's what they're mainly used for out there. Oh and there are no "tribes" out there.
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they're basically short haired Caucasian Shepherds, and are a landrace breed which is where the latter pretty much comes from. They also have a bite force which ranges in the 600 to 700's PSI. Just to give you an idea of how strong that is, a Pit Bulls bite force is like 240 and a Rottweilers bite force at best is around 330-340.
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Male and yea she seems to be dog friendly(so far). I dont think bringing a male in the yard would cause problems anyway. The two situations one would have to be worried about is adding a second male in a yard that already has a female or adding a second female to a household ... bitches get very jealous and they dont just fight, they try to kill each other ... it can get scary.

She'd have a big protector looking after her too since we have a lot of coyotes around here. Those dogs literally shake and crunch up coyotes within seconds.
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that dude talks about how its his #1 "coyote crushing machine"(and he has a bunch of different wolfhounds from the region) with "a quick grab, shake and done!"@ 9:56 mark and also mentions how huge their canine teeth are. No coyotes will be coming anywhere near my property with one of those mofos here.
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Yeah male and female will get along better.

I got coyote problems around here too. These motherfuckers are big, like wolf hybrids. I have a six foot fence, which a coyote can jump, and 2 smaller dogs. Never let the smaller dogs out without Bowser. Also keep a bb gun by the back door and pop off at them whenever i see them. My house/yard backs up to a small forest/marsh and they are constantly lurking back there. Also get big racoons, opossums, deer and every other critter you can think of.
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No, no wolves. Some of them fucking coyotes are crossed with them somewhere in their bloodline though because I've seen more than a few that are enormous. I suppose the odd wolf could come down from Wisconsin, but not likely. Fuck i remember a cougar came down and was running around the northside of Chicago a few years back, they had to.shoot it. Just recently a coyote was attacking people in downtown Chicago. So i guess anything is possible.
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yeah i was asking because i know some parts of the midwest do have wolves. Who knows there might be some out there and they might've mixed with those yotes. Wolves are definitely no fucking joke and will take out most dogs easily. We also have quite a few mountain lions around here. One of my buddies had a house like yours where the backyard was facing the woods. They had a fenced kennel back there(which was a mistake) and one day they heard some commotion and they came running outside and they said there was a cougar choking their dog out(it was so big they said they couldnt even see their dog), they chased it away and took the dog to the vet but sadly he didnt make it. They said that mountain lion was still roaming around their property for another day or two, most likely looking for its kill. My sister also lives in a house where the back yard is facing the woods but she has a Caucasian Shepherd which keeps the predators at bay. Theres a good chance a mountain lion would fuck him up but i dont think theyd take the risk of getting hurt. And that dog is fucking nuts anyway and is bigger than most cougars/mountain ive seen and he sure as hell has a stronger bite.
The biggest problem with the coyotes is there's never just one. Usually if there's one, then more are are close by. One on one I'm sure Bowser will fuck em up. But more then one could be trouble. Coyote is definitely the top wild predator where I'm at.

Yeah don't know too many dogs that would stand a chance against a cougar. Maybe 2 or 3 dogs and that cougars running for the hills. But just a swip from its paw would do some serious damage. I've seen videos of dogo argentinos fucking em up, but good chance the cougar was declawed
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