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Here's a crazy incident. This dog (dogo argentino looks like) goes right after it! You can see when their falling the cougar tries to use its back legs to rip at the dogs stomach or face. Both the cougar and dog look like they fell off the mountain...
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yeah most cougars are too smart to engage with some of the bigger dogs that i mentioned and would definitely run away or get chased up a tree. They're definitely more versatile and would fuk most dogs up one on one but there is a good chance that they can get their necks snapped with a single bite from some of these breeds. A cougar would most likely not even approach one of these larger dogs even if its just one of the ..... and by larger i mean very large, these dogs are way bigger than my buddies rottweiler for example, almost twice their size. Some of them are far above 200lbs. That is much bigger than most cougars ... and add that with a bite force that is faaaaar stronger and it makes then a very dangerous threat to those cats.

yeah a few coyotes would definitely try to take Bowser out in an open area, but the thing is you said you have a solid fence. They can easily get in, but they would have trouble trying to take a dog the size of your boxer out of that yard so they wouldn't even think of plotting on him. The only ting id be worried about is them trying to lure your dog out of the yard. Then the tables might turn but he still has a good chance of fucking one or two of them up and running back home lol. Maybe the next dog you should add to your yard in the future should be one of these wolfhound type of breeds. Im pretty sure you wont see those coyotes again after he marks his terriorty lol.
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Here's a crazy incident. This dog (dogo argentino looks like) goes right after it! You can see when their falling the cougar tries to use its back legs to rip at the dogs stomach or face. Both the cougar and dog look like they fell off the mountain...

fuck, i think they did fall off but we couldnt really see the rest of the terrain ... hopefully it wasn't a cliff or anything. But yeah that dog might have took some bad damage and that cougar might have even had him by the neck instead of the other way around. But if it was the dog that had him by the neck then that cat was probably done for. It would've been worse for that cougar if that was a Caucasian. One proper bit and it wouldve paralyzed that cat.
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yeah most cougars are too smart to engage with some of the bigger dogs that i mentioned and would definitely run away or get chased up a tree. They're definitely more versatile and would fuk most dogs up one on one but there is a good chance that they can get their necks snapped with a single bite from some of these breeds. A cougar would most likely not even approach one of these larger dogs even if its just one of the ..... and by larger i mean very large, these dogs are way bigger than my buddies rottweiler for example, almost twice their size. Some of them are far above 200lbs. That is much bigger than most cougars ... and add that with a bite force that is faaaaar stronger and it makes then a very dangerous threat to those cats.

yeah a few coyotes would definitely try to take Bowser out in an open area, but the thing is you said you have a solid fence. They can easily get in, but they would have trouble trying to take a dog the size of your boxer out of that yard so they wouldn't even think of plotting on him. The only ting id be worried about is them trying to lure your dog out of the yard. Then the tables might turn but he still has a good chance of fucking one or two of them up and running back home lol. Maybe the next dog you should add to your yard in the future should be one of these wolfhound type of breeds. Im pretty sure you wont see those coyotes again after he marks his terriorty lol.

I'm just glad i don't live where there's really any cougars:lol:. I have no doubt that there's dogs that could take them out, wouldn't want to risk my dog though. Probably just shoot the cougar. Another possibility around here is a black bear could roam down here from Wisconsin (fucking Wisconsin) , but again unlikely. I know there's a good population of them up there though.

Coyote wouldn't be looking at Bowser as a food source, it'd definitely be a territory thing. Since i got him and the fence( pretty much got the fence when i got him). Definitely don't see them like i used too. I usually here them yelping like 2 or 3 in the morning. Anither reason I know that there's a small pack of them. More then a few i hear yelping.
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fuck, i think they did fall off but we couldnt really see the rest of the terrain ... hopefully it wasn't a cliff or anything. But yeah that dog might have took some bad damage and that cougar might have even had him by the neck instead of the other way around. But if it was the dog that had him by the neck then that cat was probably done for. It would've been worse for that cougar if that was a Caucasian. One proper bit and it wouldve paralyzed that cat.

That dog was game as fuck. Didn't even hesitate to go after it.
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That dog was game as fuck. Didn't even hesitate to go after it.
yea Dogos are ballsy and you can tell that one was the alpha of that pack. They're not even that big in comparison to some of these other dogs too. They're like a 100lbs but fearless as fuck.

btw since you mentioned bears. These dogs in our language are called either "wolf dogs" or "bear dogs". They're not only bred to protect livestock form these animals, but also go on hunts with humans for them. There are ones that are specialized for specific tasks like hunting bears. Their hood name in Armenian literally translates to "wolf chokers". They actually even have this stuff on their wiki page which kind of surprised me ...

"Gampr dogs are not trained, instead performing the necessary functions naturally. The Armenian word "Gampr" means "watchdog", but the same breed may instead be called a "gelkheht" (from "gel" - "wolf" and "khekhtel" - "to choke") if it is predisposed to be used as a wolfhound; a bear-hunting dog is known as "archashoon" ("bear-dog"); an avalanche dog is named "potorkashoon", and a shepherd dog is named "hovvashoon". The Gamprs are very tied to people, especially those dogs that live in human houses, considering themselves a family or pack member."

That pic i posted above is a Gampr. The Central Asian is also another one of my favorites and another popular breed in the Eurasian region ...



Fuck, some of those dogs look like their crossed with bears:lol:. Monster dogs! Look bad ass

If i was a single guy, no family, i definitely be taking a good look at owning something like a dogo, or something else crazy. But if i ever brought a dog like that home i would be single within a week!

You ever see those bully kutta or pakistani mastiff dogs? Another crazy looking aggressive breed
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if i ever brought a dog like that home i would be single within a week!

yeah one of my buddies had a kutta! His was super friendly with all of us but hated other dogs! And what a trip i was just watching a video on them last night! Bad ass breeds but they're lineage is all over the place. So many different looking ones and no proper history to track them back to to find out what the dogs true bloodlines consist of.
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yeah one of my buddies had a kutta! His was super friendly with all of us but hated other dogs! And what a trip i was just watching a video on them last night! Bad ass breeds but they're lineage is all over the place. So many different looking ones and no proper history to track them back to to find out what the dogs true bloodlines consist of.

Yeah thats a problem with alot of dogs i think. Even worse when a dog becomes popular and starts being bred like crazy. Thats usually when a breed develops alot of health problems.

I would love to get another dog, am sure Bowser would get along with whatever i brought home. That's just the kind of dog he is, great temperament. It wouldn't be the getting along part, he's just spoiled and used to getting a ton of attention. He gets treated like he's one of the kids. Possibly when the other 2 dogs pass, their very old and act more like cats, then maybe I'll start looking again.
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yeah man, the more man puts his hands into a breed, the more they fuck it up ... like the English bulldog for example. I feel sorry for most of those dogs and what man has done to it. Another one of the reasons i love the Gamprs, they are an ancient landrace breed that has barely been touched upon.

yeah i remember you saying one of your other dogs is old thats why i brought up the whole adding another dog to the family thing. Your wife might have a hard time saying no if you bring one of those bear looking puppies home. Just tell her "i dont think they get too big" :lol:

And yeah man, Boxers are just great dogs all around.
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yeah man, the more man puts his hands into a breed, the more they fuck it up ... like the English bulldog for example. I feel sorry for most of those dogs and what man has done to it. Another one of the reasons i love the Gamprs, they are an ancient landrace breed that has barely been touched upon.

yeah i remember you saying one of your other dogs is old thats why i brought up the whole adding another dog to the family thing. Your wife might have a hard time saying no if you bring one of those bear looking puppies home. Just tell her "i dont think they get too big" :lol:

And yeah man, Boxers are just great dogs all around.

Yeah it's a damn shame. Love english bulldogs, way too many health problems. Actually that's the kind of dog i have in my head. Bulldog offshoot, like olde English bulldogges, or victorian or leavitt bulldogs. Longer in the leg, more muscular, none of the same health problems or atleast not as severe. But they have that same goofy, loving temperament as the English bulldog.

Yeah same thing happened with Bowser when i brought him home. She was pissed for about 5 minutes until he melted her heart:lol: She loves that dog, always on my ass about if I've fed him, taken him out, etc. He sleeps next to my wife more than i do:err:
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Yeah it's a damn shame. Love english bulldogs, way too many health problems. Actually that's the kind of dog i have in my head. Bulldog offshoot, like olde English bulldogges, or victorian or leavitt bulldogs. Longer in the leg, more muscular, none of the same health problems or atleast not as severe. But they have that same goofy, loving temperament as the English bulldog.
Yeah most english bulldogs cant even breather properly. Its just sad what theyve done to that dog. And yeah those dogs you mentioned are all proper bullies, American is my favorite out of the bunch though. Have you seen the Renascence Bulldog? It was "created" by the dude you linked me the food aggression video of. They're pretty similar to the Olde English and leavitt's.

Yeah same thing happened with Bowser when i brought him home. She was pissed for about 5 minutes until he melted her heart:lol: She loves that dog, always on my ass about if I've fed him, taken him out, etc. He sleeps next to my wife more than i do:err:
haha yeah thats pretty much how it usually goes lol.

And most of these big ass dogs i mentioned are suuuper family orientated. They might even start getting overprotective. There are old stories of when the men in the Caucasus used to go out hunting they would take one gampr with them and leave another to look after the wife and kids. Trusted those dogs with eveyrhting

The old legend of the Gampr comes from an interesting story/tall tale. Goes something like ... one of the old Armenian Kings Trdat(Tirdates I) was married to the sister of the Assyrian King Abgar. She was on her way back to Armenia with their yet to be named newborn son and heir to Armenia when their royal caravan got hit with a huge storm and everyone got spread out and separated. The main caretaker/nanny was lost and isolated for three days in this snowstorm with the baby heir and they started to freeze, and thats when the "gods" sent them a magnificent white/grey beast who kept them warm and guarded them from wolves and bears until the storm passed and they were found safe and sound thanks to the brave dog.

EDIT: hahah i found an Armenian documentary that mentions it. Its not in English(Armenian, Persian, and Russian) but the pictures kind of describe the story i mentioned @7:15

also mentions how they know when to apply force by nature. That they would NEVER attack a child under any circumstances, whether they are familiar one or not. They know that they are far more powerful and will naturally protect any child just like they would livestock.
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Yeah i like those renascence bulldogs. That dude is a trip, i like his channel for the most part.

Cool history and story. Always like learning about different dog breeds, never even heard of Gampr's until you brought them up. I think most dogs temperament reflects how their brought up, but obviously a lot of characteristics that are just baked into to certain dogs. Good to hear Gampr's are kid friendly, the amount of damage a dog like that could do would be devastating. Crazy how huge some of these ancient breeds are. Pretty amazing how smart dogs are.

Edit: damn wish that video was in English
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there are some folks out here in Cali but who knows if they're really Gamprs. A lot of people(Armenians included) mix up all of these different wofhounds(Gampr, Caucasian, Central Asian, Kangal, Sarplaninac) and call them the same names. But i also know there are some proper breeders out here too.

theres also a page on facebook and believe it or not a lot of Americans from the midwest really like these dogs and put them to work on their lands ...
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Biggest problem with a rare dog like this is finding one and probably the cost. Then the shipping cost is probably through the roof. Unless you make the cross country trip.
Is Indiana far from where you're at? I just looked into the Silver Ridge gamprs page and they seem to have some nice ones. Looks like they have a litter that arrived just a little over a week ago

I'm going to try and look for one out here since we have quite a few breeders. Hopefully i find one with good looking parents or else im gonna have to spend a good amount to get one form one of these "pro" breeders.
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