Post a picture of your pets!

Any male who claims cats are better than jiggly asses is straight up fucking gay. Cats look cute but they are just a bunch of assholes. My cats will murder a rat then bring it into my room and lay it there, and piss all over it.
My dogs being all cute n shit.


Was that re:Effigy? Cuz that first picture of crimsonfloyd's dog winking definitely increased the general quality of my life. <3
@ crimsonfloyd's pups: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

These cute photos are cheering me up. Found out the other day that my Gannon dog has cancer. :( He's getting ultrasound and x-ray work on Thursday to see just how bad it is.
Yeah crimsonfloyd's dogs are really adorable. I like cats but I like dogs personality more. Cats just tend to stare at me, and then I'm inclined to have a never ending stare battle with them.

Whiskey funeral: sorry about the bad news :[ i hate seeing/hearing about animals sick.

Edit: More rotty. I swear all my pictures of him are in the same spot chained ready to be walked or showered. He kind of jumps up a lot when he's not on a leash so it's hard to get a decent picture of him that way.
^ D'aww! So cutee! She looks like she's smiling/posing in that picture. Hope you guys were able to hike!

So my friend got a new dog, and I met him today! I was trying to get a cute picture of him while walking him...


and here's an actually cute picture of him<3
