Post a picture of your pets!

thanks for the condolences TB. You had a rottie too? They are really good dogs, and really loyal. Agreed 100 percent on that.

Yeah, had to put him down because he had cancer(you can see the tumor on his paw) and hip dysplasia. A small part of me went with him.




... my friends Pit-bull, Brandy. One of the sweetest dogs in the world. She passed a few years ago from an emergency stomach problem(bleeding).
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@TechnicalBarbarity Awe, they look like such sweet dogs! Your rottie had such a beautiful coat! I do see the tumor on his paw... poor guy. :( Brandy has some sweet looking eyes. Sorry to hear about her. Jeez, these dogs typically get little love but they are the most endearing. Sad they have to go through really rough medical problems. :/ The stomach issue sounds so intense. poor girl.

Dogs >>>>>>>>> People.

We definitely share the same sentiment over dogs (and types of dogs).
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When I'm settled and especially if I make the kind of money that allows me to build a house, I want a wall with a built in aquarium. Fish are the perfect pets. No mess, no noise, set footprint.
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I really fucking miss having dogs. Grew up with an Akita mutt, who was definitely like - *my* dawg - out of our four others. Very protective, very fun dudely puppy. Akitas are excellent, excellent dogs if you're an outdoorsy type. Smart as shit.

I sometimes daydream about having a true homie again, wrestling in the grass and just speaking total gibberish like 'Who's my fuckin monster puppy!' I'd even take a small breed. My friend had a pug who was my main homie on d&d night, that poor sorry smash faced little bastard. Everyone else would basically be making out with his cat and I'm just laughing at his pug's silly ass face and pathetic attempts to breathe, that broken, ridiculous creature. Fuckin silly ass. I miss him.
Can't have pets in my apartment, but I was thinking about moving out and getting a possum. I looked into it and am pretty sure you can't domesticate a possum.
Can't have pets in my apartment, but I was thinking about moving out and getting a possum. I looked into it and am pretty sure you can't domesticate a possum.
My stepfather tried once. Got all the way to hand feeding it and then it randomly bit his finger all the way to the bone.
I'm one who doesn't want a pet. They're hairy and shed and stink and shit and fuck and make more shedding, shitting, fucking shits, and, on top of all of that, you have to deal with all of their bullshit. But dogs and cats are cool so I understand why people want to keep them in their home. I like other peoples' cats and dogs because I get to pet and play with them, and then go home and not have to deal with them. Possums, however, don't fit in this category. They're roadkill (inb4 #possumsarepetstoo!!1). Cats and dogs were breed for the purpose they currently have. Possums are giant rats designed to break into your garbage bins. Why would somebody want a possum in their house?
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I'm one who doesn't want a pet. They're hairy and shed and stink and shit and fuck and make more shedding, shitting, fucking shits, and, on top of all of that, you have to deal with all of their bullshit. But dogs and cats are cool so I understand why people want to keep them in their home. I like other peoples' cats and dogs because I get to pet and play with them, and then go home and not have to deal with them.
Poodles/Poodle crosses don't shed. And they can discuss the subtle nuances of post-modern dog grooming with you.
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I'm one who doesn't want a pet. They're hairy and shed and stink and shit and fuck and make more shedding, shitting, fucking shits, and, on top of all of that, you have to deal with all of their bullshit. But dogs and cats are cool so I understand why people want to keep them in their home. I like other peoples' cats and dogs because I get to pet and play with them, and then go home and not have to deal with them. Possums, however, don't fit in this category. They're roadkill (inb4 #possumsarepetstoo!!1). Cats and dogs were breed for the purpose they currently have. Possums are giant rats designed to break into your garbage bins. Why would somebody want a possum in their house?

Agreed except for the giant rats bit. Rats can actually make great pets, and you can train them. They're much smarter and more social than most other rodents including mice and hamsters.
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Eh, I've lived with dogs and cats my whole life. I definitely prefer dogs. Big, huge, furry as fuck dogs are what I'm into. The only thing keeping me from having a dog is the fact that I want a massive Bernese Mountain Dog, Mastiff, Great Dane, and the like and in order to have one of those fuckers I better have a massive lawn for them to frolic and love themselves in. Until then, fuck pets. It's too big of a pain in the ass to find an apartment that allows pets for a decent price so fuck it.
Tbh I'm not into pets that aren't at least occsionally loveable. Keep your fish and reptiles and pests.