Post a picture of your pets!

Your cats should definitely model. So damn pretty!


Me playing with Sam, my main squeeze. Seriously this dog nursed me through a really tough hangover last weekend. He licked my face when I was sick and even cuddled with me. I think he likes me more than his owner. :3 My girlfriend's boyfriend was being such a dick to him and the other dog though. He even put the other dog in a cage. :[ And I couldn't get snuggly/cute pics with him because of it.

Poor Jeff in a cage for acting like a puppy. :[

And another one of Sam:

Damn that took like 10 tries to actually show. xD
This is my mother's cat. Every time I'm mad at the world I threaten to murder her and dump the remains into my mother's purse. But we cool.

Rughugger persian... shaved like a poodle 9 times out of 10. The despair this feline must feel is so encompassing it makes her metal.


She looks so mean! Damn, there's not a single drop of happiness in her eyes

She's not that mean... usually doesn't like being picked up or bothered, but she's just old and miserable. Had her about ten years now and I'm not even sure if she was a kitten when my ma got her.
You could make serious internet money with that cat. It could go head to head with grumpy cat and the whole world would erupt into a lolcat volcano frenzy of stupid.
My brother had a facebook page goin for her for awhile, not sure what's up with that now.
Here are some pics of Smokey, both taken some time in the summer of 2005, when he was still a growing boy:


On December 10, 2015, I had him put down. He had been hacking a lot and having escalating breathing difficulties for the past few weeks, so I took him to the vet two days beforehand, hoping it would be something treatable like asthma. However, it was a rather unlikely scenario based on wishful thinking, since he was rather old to suddenly become asthmatic. The x-rays showed that he had tumors in his lungs. He was eating little and I could tell he'd lost weight from feeling the clear protrusion of his spine. He didn't even put up a fight when I put him into the cage to take him to the vet both times. I'm not sure exactly when he was born, but I'd say he was about eleven years old, which is equivalent to about sixty for a human. So, while he wasn't exactly a spring chicken, I still consider it a rather young age to die. In any case, It just goes to show how much time has elapsed since he came into my home one morning towards the end of my senior year of high school.

Here's a fairly recent pic of him taken in 2012, assuming his "stretch" mode. He used to do that a lot, but not so much in recent years; even at the time of taking the picture, it was a less frequent occurrence than it used to be, as I recall.

Have any of you had any cats that would lie splayed out like that?
Yeah they are mate, when I was younger I didn't like them for some reason but after owning one I'd never have another breed. Huge personalities, really fun and incredibly loyal. I still miss that little bloke.
@Serjeant Grumbles I'm sorry about the loss of Smokey.
He or she looks like a very nice nice dog! I see he/she must shed a lot haha, we've had Corgi's and German Shepherd's and I know what that's like!

His name is Zeek! He was shedding like crazy the past few weeks but he hasn't shed like that in quite some time. He is very docile and loves people. He does not like other pets. He won't bite or anything but if he feels anxious around them he will growl. Only happened once.

I want a Corgi very badly. They are seriously the cutest things and my heart melts when I see one. Fat Corgis are amazing.
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@Serjeant Grumbles and @sloughfegkillers sorry for your loss, totally know how that is.

My rottie passed away about a month ago as well. Still heartbroken. Loved that dog. He wasn't eating his regular dry food, so we started feeding him a wet food brand called Alpo. It gave him severe food poisoning, and he just couldn't bounce back at all especially since he was really old. Guys, just be careful what youre feeding your pets. I looked it up online and apparently there's tons of stories like mine where the brand Alpo got people's pets severely sick and even to the point of not getting better.
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