Post funny shit

Damn you stormo! What was funny about that? I just wasted :52 seconds of my life on some of the most annoying sounds in the world, waiting patiently and cautiously for a hilarious payoff that never came.
I fucking LOL'd at least for two straight minutes. It's like watching a water buffalo suspended in space :lol:. There was this panicked reaction as she caught air that was priceless.

Saw it a few days back and, yeah, definitely an out-loud "Woah! Holy SHIT!" moment.

He's got Stan's sister's speech impediment from South Park as well, which is all the more hilarious. It's so perfect it could almost be fake but I doubt it.

The only funny aspect to be honest; the rest was just sad and pathetic.

More MK,
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What the fuck is up with the Japanese and their self-loathing and punishment? Sepukku, bukakke, etc.?
Dude, I'm reading Shogun right now, and I know it's a novel and all and a lot of people have told me it's not really an accurate description of Japanese history (I know basically nothing about the truth), but regardless, this shit some of them do in that book and the customs they have are just... well... really fucking weird.
Yup and most of it is true.

If you think about how small Japan really is, it kind of makes sense. It's 1/2 the size of Texas, and of that, only 10% of the land is inhabitable.
Only the Japanese would think of punishing your wife for cheating on you by getting everyone in the village to cum all over her.

Regardless of their eccentricity, I harbor great respect for them and their culture. Honor is at the forefront of everything they do...I only wish more societies could be that way.

The Italians in the south have an honor code they live by, but it's more revenge and vindication. "Honor" and "Italian" really don't go together...Italians have virtually no shame.
The difference here bro, is that I was joking and you weren't. If you haven't figured out by now when I'm joking or not, you probably

eh fuck it