Post funny shit

lol yeah i was just saying keyboardist would be easy to find in Italy, and you guys have a lot of keyboard parts so i figured a keyboardist (second guitarist is more important though)

nice electric kits never heard of them before, nice big pads i REALLLY want to play one now :p i want to go to a guitar center with a really nice Roland kit and try my Steven slate drums on a nice high end responsive big kit to hear how awesome it sounds, but none of the stores have any :p.

Reason is nice, especially with the bass refill, i don't use it for keyboards too often since i have an X50 and hardware is easier to use most of the time. but i would focus on an interface and a DAW first, all DAW's have sequencing ability's so Reason is much better equiped being used in rewire mode.
Skylab is awesome. I actually listened to the entire album a few days ago.....again.

Glad you like it. I've been so far detached from it lately (actually he and I both) that sometimes I feel like it's just a pet project.

Did you ever listen to the hidden track, Futuresadness? It's my favorite.
You program keyboard with Reason?


Not only was it programmed with Reason, it was programmed with Reason BY MOUSE AND WITHOUT A MIDI KEYBOARD.

John, you've probably got more tech than we do. He's a fucking wacko, a good way. He listens to like 4 bands in the entire world and is so focused on his things that he really does seem like a cyborg. I had to break it to him that he's truly one in a million and that he's gonna need to loosen the reins a bit if we're to play live.

The four bands would be Deicide, Fear Factory, Anaal Nathrakh, and Samael.
lol yeah i was just saying keyboardist would be easy to find in Italy, and you guys have a lot of keyboard parts so i figured a keyboardist (second guitarist is more important though)

nice electric kits never heard of them before, nice big pads i REALLLY want to play one now :p i want to go to a guitar center with a really nice Roland kit and try my Steven slate drums on a nice high end responsive big kit to hear how awesome it sounds, but none of the stores have any :p.

Reason is nice, especially with the bass refill, i don't use it for keyboards too often since i have an X50 and hardware is easier to use most of the time. but i would focus on an interface and a DAW first, all DAW's have sequencing ability's so Reason is much better equiped being used in rewire mode.

If you ever find yourself in this part of the world, you've got a gig. Just because we're not looking for one doesn't mean we won't take one, :p.
Hahhaa it sucks, doesn't it? It takes FOOOOREEEEEVEEEERRRRRR...but I guess he was so used to it he can do it in like an hour, tops.

By the way, if anyone's looking for a killer drummer to record drums for them, he's pimping himself out to whomever will have him. Just send him your demo or whatever and he'll do all the drum parts for you.
haha the advantage of having an electric kit, you can sell your self out as a freelancer and play on a bunch of peoples stuff because all it takes is a computer and an interface :p once i get better at double bass and timing i will probably do the same thing :p


*get's back on topic*
A hearty LOL @ the rose funeral uno thing. I've heard a few things before of particularly their drummer (might not be the same guy now that I checked with a friend, but one of their drummers at some point in the bands short history) being a real huge prick and causing a lot of trouble so I totally believe the story.

Also, heckling shit bands is fun. If the people are silent, the band will continue to do what they do. If they're being called faggots from a large amount of the viewership, then they'll feel bad and maybe they'll start writing music that isn't bad. Granted, the best reactions I've gotten from shit bands is not from heckling, but writing a review somewhere on the net. They tend to find it since googling their band's name has a very low yield of their myspace page and then the review. Sometimes I do it for bands I didn't even bother to watch at the show just for the laughs.
I agree, to an extent.

There's boring live bands, but there has to be a point where you draw the line on what you don't like and what's downright bad. Needless to say, they fall into the latter.
I dunno, I think it takes a bigger man to live and let live then to just get violent because someone isn't acting how you want them to.
Not just that. I mean, losing one's temper in the heat of the moment is one thing (although it's still inexcusable), but actually looking up the kids after your show to sucker punch them some more, that's just pathetic.

As for the kids, they played UNO. Sure, it's disrespectful, but so is walking out during the first track, and nobody gets punched over that. It was quiet, non-disruptive, and non-violent. If the band had been any less moronic, they could have made light of the situation and actually scored some points.
I once boo'd a band because the members were pretentious wankshafts who patently sucked, but I now feel that was the wrong move. At the time, though, I really wanted to shout them down from the stage because I could taste the narcissism and lack of talent oozing through the air.
The reason I don't like hecklers at local shows is that usually there is no pretense with some bands; they're just trying to play live. They know they may fuck up and they know they're not perfect. Plus, everyone has an off day, playing-wise. Some shows you'll play like a god and some you won't be able to do anything right. There's no need for rudeness unless the band truly deserves it by being pretentious asses.

I've also noticed that very rarely do serious musicians or musicians with any modicum of ability ever heckle; they know what it's like to fuck up on stage and they know it's not a nice feeling.