Post funny shit

Jesus time.


The reason I don't like hecklers at local shows is that usually there is no pretense with some bands; they're just trying to play live. They know they may fuck up and they know they're not perfect. Plus, everyone has an off day, playing-wise. Some shows you'll play like a god and some you won't be able to do anything right. There's no need for rudeness unless the band truly deserves it by being pretentious asses.

I've also noticed that very rarely do serious musicians or musicians with any modicum of ability ever heckle; they know what it's like to fuck up on stage and they know it's not a nice feeling.

Eh I don't mind it that much actually, sure it can get annoying but when we opened for DRI we got soooo many fuck you's and flipped off it was crazy haha. I just responded by saying fuck you back and calling them pussies for not raging and a couple songs through the set they actually did start to pit and get rowdy (either they started to like our songs or maybe they just got tired of it haha). It may have looked like I was angry but it's all just a face you put on before going on stage in a rurghh tough guy metal band. I'm not going to go find someone and beat them up for not liking my music, that rose funeral band is just fucking stupid. Maybe if someone threw something at you that could actually harm you like a bottle of piss or a glass bottle then yeah they deserve and ass whooping but all boo's can do is wahh hurt your feelings :cry: or I guess throw you off your game if you're not used to it.
I can't stand most rap, a few years ago I was really into it but I just got really tired of it. NWA and Public Enemy are the only rap groups I can stand, does lil wayne even count as rap though?
the only like popular rapper/hip-hop guy is T-Pain, i looked up some videos because i was trying to show my friend how to do that type of auto-tune for his raps and found out that T-Pain can actually sing quite well and he plays piano live on occasion, plus i like that he doesn't take himself too seriously, he joke a lot about his use of auto tune and he did that Im on a Boat thing.

most of the rap i can't stand though, old school is fine, i just don't like the new stuff.

on that note im excited because i will be going to my first non-metal concert since my first concert ever (Earth Wind and Fire in like 03, who were awesome) and im going to be seeing The Roots at a college campus up north next month, it's rare we get a show up here, let alone at a small college :kickass:
Is it funny because Wendy is just a stupid bass-ackwards Christian, or because if what Wendy quotes about this being the "end days" makes her argument completely irrelevant?

I say both. It's the funniest scenario.