Post funny shit

Hey, she stole my towel pose! And with a blue towel, no less! And why does she have my face scrub in her shower, as well as the same V05 conditioner I've used before :mad:

Actually yeah, it's pretty similar. I'm almost sitting here scratching my head, thinking when did I get that tattoo and take that pic? :lol:
It's definitely a shitty move on the band's part if they did it, but you know what? Hecklers fucking deserve having the shit kicked out of them. If you don't like the band, go smoke a cigarette, drink a beer, hang out at the bar, or go play UNO somewhere else.

I love how concertgoers can throw bottles of piss, shoes, rocks, etc. at bands onstage and yet they immediately start crying when someone confronts them about it.
I agree with you man. I've been to such rude shows, I'd be downright terrified to perform live.

Holy shit-I just remembered you're in Skylab and listened to you again. You guys are GREAT.
but you know what? Hecklers fucking deserve having the shit kicked out of them. If you don't like the band, go smoke a cigarette, drink a beer, hang out at the bar, or go play UNO somewhere else.
I dunno, I think it takes a bigger man to live and let live then to just get violent because someone isn't acting how you want them to. I agree it's a dick move to play cards in front of a performing band but in my eyes it's a MUCH BIGGER dick move to get offended by it to the point of enciting violence, especially against 17 year old kids. Based on the facebook screencap, it's quite apparent that Rose Funeral aren't the most levelheaded band out there.

Throwing bottles of piss or anything that could physically hurt a band member is sort of a different story though. In an instance like that, I could fully understand a band member pounding the shit out of the guy that threw it. This case however, is nothing more than terrible band getting WAY too bent out of shape that some group of damned kids don't like their music.

Chris, would you get physically violent with a 17 year old kid if he played cards on the floor of a Skylab show?
I dunno, I think it takes a bigger man to live and let live then to just get violent because someone isn't acting how you want them to. I agree it's a dick move to play cards in front of a performing band but in my eyes it's a MUCH BIGGER dick move to get offended by it to the point of enciting violence, especially against 17 year old kids. Based on the facebook screencap, it's quite apparent that Rose Funeral aren't the most levelheaded band out there.

Throwing bottles of piss or anything that could physically hurt a band member is sort of a different story though. In an instance like that, I could fully understand a band member pounding the shit out of the guy that threw it. This case however, is nothing more than terrible band getting WAY too bent out of shape that some group of damned kids don't like their music.

Chris, would you get physically violent with a 17 year old kid if he played cards on the floor of a Skylab show?

Would I get violent for playing cards at my show? Whoa, of course not...ESPECIALLY not for playing UNO. I'd probably get them to deal me in! :lol: I'm with you with the whole live and let live thing at shows. I would've found it funny instead of insulting.

I was actually referring to what you're talking about, with people throwing shit at bands and then when the band confronts them, the concert goer or goers gets offended and starts crying how much that band is an asshole. I mean, if you throw a bottle of piss at me, you're an asshole...not me.

The UNO thing was just a form of heckling but it was subtle and wasn't really hurting ANYONE...the band just got asshurt because they suck and are in denial, so they lashed out at someone...WHO WAS 17 YEARS OLD, no less. They just buried themselves with that shit. Sure the guys were dicks for playing UNO but it was harmless. I was just saying that hecklers need to realize that you reap what you sow...if I'm offended by something you do, I'll let you know it's not cool. I won't attack you or anything, but I'll let you know that you're an asshole.

If you throw a bottle of piss at me, I'll catch it, chase you down, and literally force you to drink it or just pour it all over you.
I agree with you man. I've been to such rude shows, I'd be downright terrified to perform live.

Holy shit-I just remembered you're in Skylab and listened to you again. You guys are GREAT.

Heh, thanks buddy!

It's going up and down lately. After the last show we played, we decided that for everything we're having to do, we absolutely need one or two more instruments on stage. I'm singing, playing, fiddling with effects, channels, and vocal effects all at the same time. I can't concentrate on what I'm doing.

So right now, no more live shows until we get this thing sorted out. New album being demo'd right now by Emanuele, though. He's a nazi about this shit so I let him take care of it and just fill me in later :p.

And if you didn't see that piss bottle coming and it shattered over your head, I would encourage you to make the offender unconscious in one painful way or another :lol:
Haha I would hope to be able to catch him. You can seriously injure someone with shit like that. If someone threw something breakable like a glass bottle or something at my head and it shattered, it would probably fuck me up. I would only want the guy caught so I could press charges.

But a plastic bottle of piss? You're not trying to hurt anyone; you're just being an asshole, :lol:. I've never even flipped the bird or yelled at bands I didn't like...I just sat on the grass and waited till a band I wanted to see came on.
Heh, thanks buddy!

It's going up and down lately. After the last show we played, we decided that for everything we're having to do, we absolutely need one or two more instruments on stage. I'm singing, playing, fiddling with effects, channels, and vocal effects all at the same time. I can't concentrate on what I'm doing.

So right now, no more live shows until we get this thing sorted out. New album being demo'd right now by Emanuele, though. He's a nazi about this shit so I let him take care of it and just fill me in later :p.
im surprised you cant find a keyboardist, the main population of metal keyboardist seems to be centered out of Italy, most of the are probably pretentious classically trained Dream Theater worshiping keyboardist, but im sure theres a small percentage of not lame competent one.
If I were the Lead singer I would bring to light that the guy up front (playing UNO) doesn't deserve to be there since he was being a douche and try to get the crowd on my side just so I could try to embarass the guy. However, getting angry and having your crew sucker punch a kid is pretty fucking weak. If I were the Kid I probably press charges against the guy(s) who threw the punches.
Yeah, the actions of the band were totally immature. Theres better ways to deal with that kind of thing. Killswitch Engage handled it a lot better. After having the crowd get the obnoxious drunk guy up to the stage

"Here's how this is gonna work. You can either leave the show right now, or I'm going to punch you right in the face."

He eventually left. But hey, Howard announced what was going on for everyone to see, gave the kid a fair warning, and everything.
Somehow, these kids got what they asked for, but what a piece of low-life scum do you have to be to go mental about some kids playing a card game, when nothing was hurt but their douchebag egos?!

People can do whatever they want with their time as long as they don't infringe others. You don't have to be Mike "above-all" Patton, standing there emptying the piss bottles that were thrown at you over your own head or instigating the haters to spit in your open mouth, but that was just weak.
im surprised you cant find a keyboardist, the main population of metal keyboardist seems to be centered out of Italy, most of the are probably pretentious classically trained Dream Theater worshiping keyboardist, but im sure theres a small percentage of not lame competent one.

Actually, a keyboardist is the last thing we need...the Macbook Pro and Reason are both working great. Another guitar that could free me up to do certain vocal parts better would be a godsend. A bassist would be nice just for the "show" factor.

Drummer just got a partial endorsement from an electronic drum company, 2box drums, so now for our future shows we're gonna be using those instead of dragging around his gargantuan fucking kit and all his mics and triggers and shit. Simplicity and efficiency. Nice drums, though: