Post pictures of where you live

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I know we all have pictures of us, but I was thinking maybe it would be cool to post pics of where we live, our houses/apartments/room or whatever the case may be.

Just throw dung at me if it's a stupid idea.

I live in the far town next to the mountains in the distance.

Do you want pictures of the general area? The house itself? All of it?
Do you want pictures of the general area? The house itself? All of it?

I WANT ALL OF YOU!!!! :lol: j/k

Just post whatever you want, whether it be your house, your entire area, your room, whatever.

It's interesting to see each other's environment, IMO.
Yeah, it's not a "show off yer pad" type of pic thread or anything. My house is about 200 years old and quite small...there's nothing fancy about it. It's just interesting to see what kind of environment people live in. Sometimes you have this preconceived idea about the kind of environment the people with whom you chat on the NM forum live in...sometimes it's the complete opposite of what you imagined or it's exactly how you imagined. I think it's a good way for people to get a closer glimpse into your real life without having to worry about stalkers and stuff...although I can't guarantee that I won't stalk you Russel, :lol: j/k.

Actually, that suits the females more because it's quite risky for them to let too many people know too many things about them. This way, everyone can get a peek into our real daily lives without having to worry about the whole serial rapist bit.
your town pic is awesome by the way

Thanks! It's quite a metal place, that Blashyrkh sort of way.

Lots of metalheads between those two villages you see...probably 50 or so. For some reason, this region breeds metalheads...I can't explain it.

I guess it's the mountains.
It's ridiculous how huge it is. When you fly into LAX and you look out your window down at the city, it just goes on and on and on and on and on and....

13 million people and growing! :D
I went to Los Angeles once and the smog made it hard to breathe. The other weekend I was watching the Rose Bowl and they showed a view of the LA skyline. The announcers said "There it is.. the beautiful Los Angeles skyline!" and all I could see were the tops of the buildings poking out of the smog. Is it always like that there?
I went to Los Angeles once and the smog made it hard to breathe. The other weekend I was watching the Rose Bowl and they showed a view of the LA skyline. The announcers said "There it is.. the beautiful Los Angeles skyline!" and all I could see were the tops of the buildings poking out of the smog. Is it always like that there?

for the most part, yes. the area where I live, by the Port, has the worst air quality because of all the big rig trucks and container ships. If it rains or is really windy, all the crap in the air gets washed/blown away, and the next day is really gorgeous.

*breathes deeply...starts coughing*