No, it's 'Jeffrey'. As someone legally named 'Jeffrey', it is annoying and often troublesome when people can't put the 'r' immediately after the 'f' when they are supposed to.

"A caparison is a covering, or cloth laid over a horse or other animal, especially a pack animal, or horse of state. In modern times, it is used mainly for decoration in parades and for historical reenactments."

From Wikipedia
whoa i never even seen that he spelt it Jeffrey when u sound Jeffery and Jeffrey out Jeffrey is deffinatley right lawl

Any chance you're one of Jeffrey victims that got away? Apartment 213 ring any bells?

You sure as hell sound like someone took a drill to your skull. :zombie:
whoa i never even seen that he spelt it Jeffrey when u sound Jeffery and Jeffrey out Jeffrey is deffinatley right lawl a fucking dictionary. Or go back and actually finish school. Either way, just learn the English langauge please. Not just for making your posts easier to read, but also so people might take you seriously, and not just think you're retarded. I'm probably coming off as a complete dick here, but I just can't stand retards.

Seriously, I'm just waiting for the reply of "I'm Canadian, since when do I have to learn English?".